Labor Market Conditions, Socioeconomic Factors and the Growth of Applications and Awards for SSDI and SSI Disability Benefits (Final Report) (HHS Contract No. 100-0012). Washington, D.C.: DHHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and The Social Security Administration....
Aspire Disability can help you with your disability benefits appeal or assist with the application process.
Learn about Social Security Disability (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and whether you might qualify for benefits.
We’ve helped hundreds of seniors unlock the social security benefits they deserve. We’ve advocated for claimants with various disabilities - and won. Having walked through the process so many times, we know the ins and outs and what it takes to prove y
This process can be complicated and stressful, especially when dealing with a disabling medical condition. An attorney from our team will work to ensure the SSA makes the accurate disability determination, values your disability fairly, and provides the benefits you are entitled...
This program is financed with Social Security taxes paid by workers, employers, and self-employed persons. The worker will get Medicare coverage automatically after receiving disability benefits for two years. To be eligible for a Social Security benefit, the worker must earn sufficient credits based...
SSD vs SSI? Social Security Disability (SSD) insurance pays monthly cash benefits to people who have paid enough FICA taxes to qualify, and are now unable to work because of a disability.
While both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Insurance(SSI) are administered by the Social Security Administration, they are different benefits that have separate requirements. SSDI benefitsare based on an individual’s qualifying work history; therefore, there is no ...
Qualify for Disability Benefits With a Parent's Work Record Although the typical SSDI recipient has worked for a fairly long time before the onset of their disability, adults who became disabled before age 22 may qualify for SSDI if their parent meets certain qualifications. Read more Special...
2. Substantial and gainful activity is defined as being able to earn at least a certain dollar amount each month (to see the current SGA amount:SGA and Social Security Disability). And the demonstrated inability to work at this level is necessary for qualifying for disability benefits with soci...