attempt 1 [12:22:05.516] SSH Resolver called for host: *** [12:22:05.516] Setting up SSH remote "***" [12:22:05.519] Acquiring local install lock: ***\AppData\Local\Temp\vscode-remote-ssh-***
user@local > ssh user@remote# 先远程登陆到remote上 user@remote> ~/ # 然后在返回的shell中执行脚本 结果竟然成功了。那么ssh以这两种方式执行的命令有何不同?带着这个问题去查询了man ssh: If command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead of a login shell. 这说明在...
it located on $HOME/.ssh/" fi ssh-copy-id "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $1" if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo -e "\e[31m publickey copy over \e[0m" else echo "ssh can't to the remote host" exit 1 fi
AllowAgentForwarding no AllowTcpForwarding remote GatewayPorts no AllowStreamLocalForwarding no 二、IoT (Raspberry Pi) Configuration 为了稳定的ssh连接,我采用了autossh对ssh进行稳定监控和管理。采用supervisord对autossh进行监控。so,我们需要install这两个东西。 ( on the Raspberry Pi) sudo apt install autossh -...
安装完成后,按组合键: command+shift+p 选择Add New SSH Host... remote-ssh配置 点击添加信的SSH主机,输入username@ip回车。 添加信的SSH主机 选择SSH配置文件,我就直接选了用户目录下默认的。 选择配置文件 添加完成后,在右下脚有提示,点击连接。
Executing: yes | yum install samba --- failOnError = false, using sudo >>> Command: echo 'sudo_pass' | sudo -Ss 'yes | yum install samba' [sudo] password for root: /bin/bash: yes | yum install samba: command not found [ant:sshexec] Remote command failed with exit status...
ssh [-p 端口号] [-l 登录名] [登录名@]**ip/主机名** [command] 复制[root@host10 ~]# ssh -p 22 -l root ps aux | grep sshd root@'s password: root 1399 0.0 0.2 147788 5228 ? Ss 22:14 0:00 sshd: root@pts/0 ...
# The settings in each Host section are applied to any Git SSH remote URL with a # matching hostname. # Generally: # * SSH uses the first matching line for each parameter name, e.g. if there's # multiple values for a parameter across multiple matching Host sections # * "IdentitiesOnly...
if try_remote_ssh_command ${ssh_user} ${user_pwd} ${ip} ${ssh_cmd}; then echo -e "###--- Command execution successful on ${ip} ---###\n" echo -e " ${ip} use ${ssh_user} with password ${user_pwd} to ssh, hostname is: ${try_ssh_results}" ...
ssh_remote # 将公网上的服务器 jump_target 的端口 33333 映射到本地的 22,这样就可以通过在 jump_target 上通过 SSH 来访问本地机器 ssh -f -N -g -R 33333: jump_target TIPS: 公网上的服务器 jump_target 要设置GatewayPorts yes,默认为 no。此外要映射的端口 33333 要可以访问。