使用SSH 登录时,出现如下报错信息: Permission denied(publickey,gssapi-keyex,gssapi-with-mic). sshd[10826]: Connection closed by xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. Disconnected:No supported authentication methods available. 可能原因 SSH 服务修改了PasswordAuthentication参数,禁用了密码验证登录。 解决思路 1.参见处理步骤,...
<AC>system-viewEnter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [AC]ssh server secure-algorithms cipher aes256_ctr aes128_ctr 3des aes128 aes256_cbcInfo:Insecure encryption algorithm is enabled,It is recommended to disable the insecure encryption algorithm. [AC]ssh server secure-algorithms hmac...
[root@centos4 harbor]# chage -l rootLast password change : neverPassword expires : neverPassword inactive : neverAccount expires : neverMinimum number of days between password change : 0Maximum number of days between password change : 99999Number of days of warning before password expires : 7 O...
。 [RouterA] public-key peer key Enter public key view. Return to system view with "peer-public-key end" command. [RouterA-pkey-publickey-key1] 308201B73082012C06072648CE3804013082011F028 0D757262C4584C44C211F18BD96E5F0 [RouterA-pkey-publickey-key1]61C4F0A423F7FE6B6B85B34...
root@'s password:Number of key(s) added:1Nowtrylogging into the machine, with:"ssh 'root@'"andcheck to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.#m01即可免密登录。注意: 该方式推送,对方服务器.ssh和authorized_keys已赋权[root@nfs~]#[root@m01 ~]#ssh ...
free ssh { user-ip { ip-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ port port-number ] | user-pid pid-number | username username }1.3 配置Stelnet客户端1.3.1 Stelnet客户端配置任务简介Stelnet客户端配置任务如下:(1) 生成本地密钥对仅采用publickey、password-publickey或any认证方式时必选。
华为路由器配置SSHrsa方式认证 ssh-rsa登录组网需求:用户希望在服务器端和客户端进行安全的数据交互,配置登录用户为user1,使用RSA认证方式登录SSH服务器,并且配置新的端口号,而不使用缺省端口号。拓扑图:配置方法:1、在SSH服务器端生成本地密钥对,实现在服务器端和客户端进行安全的数据交互。2、在SSH服务器端...
# OpenSSHisto specify options with theirdefaultvaluewhere# possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options change a #defaultvalue. Port10000#端口 ListenAddress10.0.0.15#监听地址(本地网卡地址),指定本地网卡那个网卡提供服务 PermitRootLogin no #是否允许root用户登陆 ...
enable Enable or disable the compatibility with SSH1, the default value is enabled 8、配置SS 19、H服务器的源接口 指定SSH服务器端的源接口前,必须已经成功创建LoopBack接口,否则会导致本配置无法成功执行。Huaweissh server-source -i ? <NULL> Not exists loopback interface 9、配置访问控制列表Huaweissh...