Re: HP Nimble - SSH Weak Key Exchange Algorithms Enabled Hi Socr, Yes, we have been using a SHA-256 cipher on the array.To confirm if the array is using the correct hashing algorithm Please use the "cert --info" command. RegardsMahesh. I work at HPE HPE Suppo...
Re: HP Nimble - SSH Weak Key Exchange Algorithms Enabled Hi Socr, Yes, we have been using a SHA-256 cipher on the array.To confirm if the array is using the correct hashing algorithm Please use the "cert --info" command. RegardsMahesh. If you feel this was he...
1. What are SSH Weak Key Exchange Algorithms? 2. What is a Key Exchange Algorithm? 3. Remediating SSH Weak Key Exchange Algorithms Enabled 4. Pentesting SSH Weak Key Exchange Algorithm In addition to SSH weak MAC algorithms, weak SSH key exchange algorithms are common findings on pentest ...
SSH Weak Key Exchange Algorithms Enabled in JDG 8.3.1 Solution Verified- UpdatedJune 13 2024 at 6:20 PM- English Issue We are facing vulnerability issue in our JDG server on Weak SSL/TLS Key Exchange . Please help to mitigate the issue. ...
The device supports the insecure dh_group1_sha1, dh_group14_sha1, and dh_group_exchange_sha1 key exchange algorithms only when the weak-encryption-algorithm plug-in is installed. For details about the plug-in, see section Weak-Encryption-Algorithm Plug-in Management in the Configuration Guid...
undo ssh server key-exchange The device supports the insecure dh_group1_sha1, dh_group14_sha1, and dh_group_exchange_sha1 key exchange algorithms only when the weak-encryption-algorithm plug-in is installed. For details about the plug-in, see section Weak-Encryption-Algorithm Plug-in Manag...
Issue: SSH Server Supports Weak Key Exchange Algorithms:22 Fix cli - ip ssh server algorithm kex ecdh-sha2-nistp521 Make sure you can open another ssh session into your device after you put the command in, so you don't lock yourself out. Reccomend to do this also: ip ssh time-out ...
HI team we are getting SSH Weak Key Exchange Algorithms Enabled vulnerabilities on Splunk UF. we are getting this summary from UF . The remote SSH server is configured to allow weak key exchange algorithms. please help me out to solve this vulnerabilities...
Issue: SSH Server Supports Weak Key Exchange Algorithms:22 Fix cli - ip ssh server algorithm kex ecdh-sha2-nistp521 Make sure you can open another ssh session into your device after you put the command in, so you don't lock yourself out. Reccomend to do this also: ip ssh time-out ...
Contact the vendor or consult product documentation to disable the weak algorithms. See Also Plugin Details Severity:Low ID:153953 File Name:ssh_weak_key_exchange_enabled.nasl Version:1.4 Type:remote ...