ssh user service-type命令用来配置SSH用户的服务方式。 undo ssh user service-type命令用来恢复SSH用户的服务方式到缺省情况。 缺省情况下,SSH用户的服务方式是空,即不支持任何服务方式。 命令格式 ssh user user-name service-type { [ sftp | stelnet | snetconf ] * | all } undo ssh user user-name ...
The ssh user service-type command configures the service type for an SSH user. The undo ssh user service-type command restores the default service type for an SSH user. By default, no service type is configured for an SSH user. Format ssh user user-name service-type { [ sftp | stelnet...
ssh user username service-type { all | netconf | scp | sftp | stelnet } authentication-type { keyboard-interactive | password | { any | password-publickey | publickey } [ assign { pki-domain domain-name | publickey keyname } ] } FIPS模式下: ssh user username service-type { all |...
ssh user username service-type { all | netconf | scp | sftp | stelnet } authentication-type { password | password-publickey [ assign { pki-domain domain-name | publickey keyname } ] }SSH服务器上最多可以创建1024个SSH用户。1.3.11 配置SSH管理功能...
ssh user hualu authentication-type password 如果是5500:执行如下命令: service-type ssh authorization-attribute level 1 ssh user hualu service-type all authentication-type password 2、设置acl访问规则 acl number 2000 rule 1 permit source 0 #绑定acl 2000到vty接口 ...
ssh user client002 service-type stelnet #配置用户client002服务方式为stelnet# 第七部:Client001和clinet002上使能首次认证功能 ssh client first-time enable 第八步:验证SSH 用户Client001 SSH 登录的过程如下图:成功 用户Client002 SSH 登录的过程如下图:成功 ...
[Huawei-aaa]local-user user-ssh service-type ssh [Huawei-aaa]q [Huawei]user-in [Huawei]user-interface vty [Huawei]user-interface vty 0 [Huawei]user-interface vty 0 4 [Huawei]user-interface vty 0 4 [Huawei-ui-vty0-4]aut [Huawei-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode aaa [Huawei-ui-vty0-4...
service-type ssh authorization-attribute level 3 qu int vlan 1 ip address //根据所在的网段设置交换机的管理IP quit 2021-03-11回答 评论(0) 举报 (0) 王泽阳18146501194 ssh user wzf123 service-type stelnet authentication-type password 全局下指定SSH用户试一下。 2021...
[Quidway-aaa]local-user admin service-type http /// 开启 http 登录服务 [Quidway-aaa]quit /// 退出aaa模式 如果telnet能登录,但console反而不能登录的话,则需在aaa里把要登录的账户赋予权限 [Quidway-aaa]local-user admin service-type terminal ssh telnet ftp ...