针对你遇到的 ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none password], no supported 错误,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认SSH服务状态及配置 首先,确保SSH服务正在目标机器上运行。你可以通过以下命令检查SSH服务的状态(以Linux系统为例): bash sudo systemctl status sshd 如果服务未运行,...
Connect asset服务器error: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain 引起此问题的原因可能有两种: 第一种情况,是以下文件权限不对,按如下要求恢复: /home/用户家目录755 /home/用户家目录/.ssh 700 /home/用户家目录/.ssh/authori...
启动虚拟机映像时, Terraform 云提供程序的引导机制需要登录到虚拟机的能力,但操作系统凭证不正确。Error applying plan: 1 error(s) occurred: * ibmcloud_infra_virtual_guest.referenced-image: 1 error(s) occurred: * ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey]...
ERROR1 handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none], no supported methods remain 2024/06/11 22:45:38 ssh.ParsePrivateKey: ssh: no key found ===CMD=== whoami ===END=== 2024/06/11 22:45:38 ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted...
21T18:47:13.558+0800errorconnect ssh error{"error": "ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none password], no supported methods remain", "func": "v1.PostSshLogin", "file": "/home/runner/work/CasaOS/CasaOS/route/v1/ssh.go", "line": 41}这个是日志 ...
由于某种原因,Golang SSH 客户端无法连接到我的 EC2 实例。它抛出以下错误:ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain这是我的代码:package mainimport ( "fmt" "github.com/helloyi/go-sshclient")func main() { client, err :...
1 error occurred: * module.dcos.module.dcos-install.module.dcos-install.null_resource.run_ansible_from_bootstrap_node_to_install_dcos: interrupted - last error: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain ...
Unable to install Plesk through Web Installer: Cannot connect to ssh host example.com: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none password], no supported methods remain Root/Password authenti...
ERROR: Preparation failed: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no supported methods remain Will be retried in 3s ... My confusions are: What should be the content of .gitlab-ci.yml file to deploy ...
Hello, looks like version 1.23.2 causes below issue when running "minikube start": provision: Temporary Error: NewSession: new client: new client: ssh: handshake failed: ssh: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey], no...