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Server-side component. On the server's side, an SSHdaemonconstantly listens to a specificTCP/IPport(the default SSHport numberis 22) for possible client connection requests. Once a client initiates a connection through the defined port, the SSH daemon responds with the software and the protocol...
Additionally, it also supports tunneling, TCP port forwarding, and X11 connections. SSH works on a client-server model; it is present on your Mac but is, by default, deactivated. Become an iOS 18 Master: Get our exclusive iOS 18 eBook 📚 for FREE when you sign up for our ...
iPuTTY official: 한국어 환경의 PuTTY terminal emulator (한글 PuTTY) - iPuTTY/ssh.c at master · iPuTTY/iPuTTY