使用SSH Secure File Transfer Client连接服务器,提示如下信息: "File transfer server could not be started or it exited unexpectedly. Exit value 0 was returned. Most likely the sftp-server is not in the path of the user on the server-side." 网上查了下,原来是用户主目录下的.bashrc文件的问题。
"File transfer server could not be started or it exited unexpectedly. Exit value 0 was returned. Most likely the sftp-server is not in the path of the user on the server-side." image.png 最初的故障: 使用Mobaterm客户端可以正常登录服务器,可以写命令运行,但就是无法上传文件或下载,没任何错误...
SSH: Connecting with configuration [centos_server] ... SSH: Disconnecting configuration [centos_server] ... ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [Exec timed out or was interrupted after 120,000 ms] Build step 'Send files or execute commands over SSH' changed build result to UNSTA...
Provides the Create folder action, which creates a folder at the specified path on the SFTP server. Provides the Rename file action, which renames a file on the SFTP server. Caches the connection to SFTP server for up to 1 hour. This capability improves performance and reduces how often the...
file transfer server could not be started or it exited unexpected ly exit value 0 was returned ...
SSH Secure File Transfer 文件传输故障 登录服务器想通过ssh下载个文件。使用SSH Secure File Transfer Client连接服务器,提示如下信息: "File transfer server could not be started or it exited unexpectedly. Exit value 0 was returned. Most likely the sftp-server is not in the path of the user on ...
n 另一个是类似FTP服务的sftp-server,借助SSH协议来传输数据的.提供更安全的SFTP服务(vsftp,proftp)。 1.1.1 ssh远程连接排错过程 1.2 SSH加密技术说明 简单的说,SSH加密技术就是将人类可以看得懂的数据,通过一些特殊的程序算法,把这些数据变成杂乱的无意义的信怠,然后,通过网络进行传输,而当到了目的地后,在通...
2、之后再shell窗口中输入sudo apt-get install openssh-server 之后输入y 3、步骤2后,在shell窗口中输入sudo ps -e |grep ssh (直接回车,看结果中有ssh则说明ssh服务已经启动了,否则输入sudo service ssh start来启动ssh服务),如下图所示: 4、修改配置文件:在shell中输入sudo gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config,之...
---ubuntu openssh-server 一、openssh干净卸载 sudo apt-get remove openssh-server openssh-client --purge -y 卸载软件,同时清除openssh的配置文件(/etc/ssh目录下) 二、openssh安装 apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client 三、修改配置
scp username@remote_server_ip:/path/to/file local_path 其中,username是你在远程服务器上的用户名,remote_server_ip是远程服务器的IP地址或域名,/path/to/file是需要下载的文件路径,local_path是本地服务器上文件存储的路径。 例如,要下载远程服务器上的example.txt文件,执行以下命令: ...