针对你遇到的“ssh publickey authentication failed”问题,可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 1. 确认SSH公钥认证失败的具体错误信息 首先,查看SSH连接失败时终端或日志中显示的具体错误信息。这有助于确定问题的根源。错误信息通常会提供关于为什么公钥认证失败的线索,比如密钥不匹配、文件权限问题等。 2. 检查本地私钥...
<SSH Server>display ssh user-information--- User Name : client002 Authentication type : rsa User public key name : rsakey001 User public key type : RSA Sftp directory : Service type : stelnet ---Total 1, 1 printed User Name表示SSH用户名,根据这项内容判断是否存在...
remote:Publickeyauthentication failed.fatal:Couldnotreadfromremote repository. For Azure DevOps, you'll need to configure SSH to explicitly use a specific key file. One way to do this to edit your~/.ssh/configfile (for example,/home/jamal/.sshorC:\Users\jamal\.ssh) as follows: # The se...
key,所以登陆失败,打印了一条登陆失败的日志(FailedReason=User public key authentication failed) 于是交换机侧又尝试选择第二种认证方式,例如密码认证,结果防火墙上配的就是这个认证方式,所以登陆成功。 登陆成功也有记录日志的,只是日志级别是6(Informational),display logbuffer里默认只会记录<=4(Warning)级别的...
Public-key authentication with the server for user sw failed. Please verify username and public/private key pair. 查看服务器日志,找不到有用的相关记录。 之后直接在另一台机器上使用ssh连接,打开verbose模式(ssh -vvv),如下: debug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received ...
remote: Public key authentication failed. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. 1. 2. For Azure DevOps, you'll need to configure SSH to explicitly use a specific key file. One way to do this to edit your~/.ssh/configfile (for example,/home/jamal/.sshorC:\Users\jamal\.ssh)...
Failed to ssh connect peer node x.x.x.x In/var/log/vmware/vcha/sshConnect.logfile, you see the error similar to: [YYYY:MM:DDTHH:MM:SS] INFO sshConnect Authentication (publickey) failed. [YYYY:MM:DDTHH:MM:SS] WARNING sshConnect retry attempt 0: Authentication failed., not retrying ...
Nov0706:49:397b145539c77d sshd[4726]:debug1:fd5clearingO_NONBLOCKNov0706:49:397b145539c77d sshd[4726]:Authenticationrefused:bad ownership or modesfordirectory/rootNov0706:49:397b145539c77d sshd[4726]:debug1:restore_uid:0/0Nov0706:49:397b145539c77d sshd[4726]:Failedpublickeyforrootfrom127....
I have tried the manual installation first and failed at a different stage. (Didn't get sshd to start as a service) Thus I tried the chocolatey packages and those installed fine (with some tweaking) but I can't get public key authentication to work. ...
该设备作为ssh服务器,没有配置公钥,所以公钥认证阶段不会认证成功,但这不影响用户登录,进入到密码认证阶段,密码正确就可以登陆,如果使用CRT登录可以只选择Password认证,就不会提示了。 如下去勾选publickey公钥认证,只选择password认证登录就不会提示此错误日志了...