1.3 配置ssh客户端使用密钥登录 打开Xshell,点击“新建”按钮,弹出“New Session Properties”对话框,在“连接”栏目中,输入刚刚配置好公钥(Public Key)的IP地址和端口,如下图所示: 在用户身份认证的窗口输入认证方法为“public key” 从用户秘钥出选择刚生成的私钥文件,并在下面的密码框中输入刚才设置的密码123456(...
一、生成密钥公钥(Public key)与私钥(Private Key) 打开Xshell,在菜单栏点击“tools”,在弹出的菜单中选择“User Key Generation Wizard...”(密钥生成向导),如下图: 弹出“User Key Generation Wizard”对话框,在“Key Type”项选择“RSA”公钥加密算法,“Key Length”选择为“2048”位密钥长度,如下图: 点击...
xshell_make_public-key-05 点击“Save as file...”按钮,将公钥(Public key)保存到磁盘,文件名为“key.pub”,备用。 二、上传公钥(Public Key)到服务器: 使用到Xshell登录到服务器,进入到“/root/.ssh/”目录,运行rz命令(如果没有rz命令,运行yuminstall lrzsz安装),将key.pub发送到服务器,然后运行如下命...
[root@xuexi ~]# ssh-keygen -t rsa # -t参数指定算法,可以是rsa或dsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): # 询问私钥保存路径 Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): # 询问是否加密私钥文件 Enter same passphrase again: Y...
Xshell配置ssh免密码登录-密钥公钥(Public key)与私钥(Private Key)登录,Xshell配置ssh免密码登录-密钥公钥(Publickey)与私钥(PrivateKey)登录http://www.aiezu.com/system/linux/xshell_ssh_public-key_login.html
The SSHKey object Private and public keys Fetch the private and public keys as strings. Note that thepublic_keyis the RSA or DSA or ECDSA public key, not an SSH public key. k.private_key# => "---BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---\nMIIEoAIBAAKCAQEAvR7l72CT7UBP6P+02Iut8gKKbKyekz/pQxnckP...
The public key of the generated SSH private key Sample: ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza(...omitted...)veL4E3Xcw== test_key size integer changed or success Size (in bits) of the SSH private key Sample: 4096 type string changed or success Algorithm used to generate the SSH private key ...
使用public/private key让putty(ssh)自动登录(以及linux上使用密钥做ssh自动登陆) [转载] 方法一:使用puttygen.exe 第一步:生成密匙 运行puttygen.exe,选择需要的密匙类型和长度,使用默认的SSH2(RSA),长度设置为1024就可以了。 passphrase可以为空,免得登录时还是要输入一次密码。
This topic describes the process fordisablingpassword authenticationin thesshd_config fileandenablingprivate/public key authenticationto ensure that private and public key authentication is enabled for your SSH server. Open your SSH server configuration file in a text editor. ...
The SSHKey object Private and public keys Fetch the private and public keys as strings. Note that thepublic_keyis the RSA or DSA or ECDSA public key, not an SSH public key. k.private_key# => "---BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---\nMIIEoAIBAAKCAQEAvR7l72CT7UBP6P+02Iut8gKKbKyekz/pQxnckP...