public static void testPPK() { String file = "private1.ppk"; try { Map<String, String> keyMap = parseKV(file); //获取公钥信息 String publicKeyInfo = keyMap.get("Public-Lines"); //密钥信息被 BASE64 加密过,需要先解密 byte[] decodedPubKey = (new BASE64Decoder()...
Hi everyone, In my work they're all using Putty to connect to SSH into a VPN, with an Auth File : auth_key.ppk I've worked with CMDER for a lot of time now, and I tried to connect with CMDER because it's better than Putty. Well I made th...
SSH(Secure Shell)密钥是用于身份验证和安全通信的重要组成部分。在Linux、macOS和Windows操作系统中,你...
sudo port install putty 1. This will also install puttygen. To get puttygen to output a .PEM file: puttygen privatekey.ppk -O private-openssh -o privatekey.pem 1. Once you have the key, open a terminal window and:- ...
密钥既可使用putty生成,也可用OpenSSH生成。 1、Linux下生成密钥 运行: 引用 # ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): <-密钥路径 Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <-密钥保护密码 ...
命名该密钥并验证其保存有.ppk扩展名,以将文件标识为私有密钥文件。不要与任何人共享私有密钥。 现在,您已保存密钥供将来参考,只需从 PuTTY 对话框复制密钥信息即可。 从头到尾在对话框中选择关键字文本,然后右键单击并选择复制。然后可以将密钥粘贴到记事本中,或直接粘贴到 OCI 控制台中的实例创建对话框。