我在C# 2015中使用SSH.NET。 通过这种方法,我可以将文件上传到我的SFTP服务器。 public void upload() { const int port = 22; const string host = "***"; const string username = "***"; const string password = "***"; const string workingdirectory = "***"; string uploadfolder = @"C...
如果有帮助,我已将代码翻译成VB.NET: Sub UploadDirectorySftp(Client As SftpClient, LocalPath As String, RemotePath As String) Dim subPath As String Dim Infos As IEnumerable(Of FileSystemInfo) = New DirectoryInfo(LocalPath).EnumerateFileSystemInfos() For Each info In Infos If info.Attributes.H...
...找到PHP组件目录下的PHP.ini文件,使用记事本打开,查找 post_max_size(允许POST数据大小) 值修改成10M或更大,查找 upload_max_filesize(允许上传文件大小)...值,可以修改跟前面的一样大小,具体大小根据自己要上传的文件大小来决定。...还需要注意memory_limit(PHP运行内存大小限制)尽量修改成比上述两值更大...
I am trying to upload a file using SFTP protocol using C# using SSH.NET library. Below is the code I am using FileInfo f=new FileInfo("C:\\mdu\\abcd.xml"); string uploadfile=f.FullName; Console.WriteLine(f.Name); Console.WriteLine("uploadfile"+uploadfile); var cl...
("\r\n") == -1) { text += "\r\n"; } addTextLog(text); } public string Upload(string workingdirectory, string uploadfile) { var path = uploadfile.Split('\\'); string directoryPath = ""; string strSourceFolderName = ""; if ((uploadfile.IndexOf(".tar.gz") == -1 && ...
通过SSH.NET 实现文件上传,代码如下, usingRenci.SshNet;publicstaticclassSendFileToServer{privatestaticstringhost ="";privatestaticstringusername ="sftp";privatestaticstringpassword ="12345";publicstaticintUpload(stringfileName){varconnectionInfo =newConnectionInfo(host,"sftp",newPasswordAuthentication...
如果你想要一个更简单的代码,你将不得不使用另一个库。例如,myWinSCP .NET assembly可以使用对...
net2ftp is a web based FTP and SSH client. It is mainly aimed at managing websites using a browser. Edit code, upload/download files, copy/move/delete directories recursively, rename files and directories -- without installing any software.
dotnet add package SSH.NET --version 2016.0.0 Code Finally, It’s time to create a class forSFTPClient Code. Create a file with the name as“SendFileToServer”& add the below code using Renci.SshNet; public static class SendFileToServer ...
ASP.NET上传文件用FileUpLoad就可以,但是对文件夹的操作却不能用FileUpLoad来实现。 下面这个示例便是使用ASP.NET来实现上传文件夹并对文件夹进行压缩以及解压。 ASP.NET页面设计:TextBox和Button按钮。 TextBox中需要自己受到输入文件夹的路径(包含文 支持断点续传和大文件上传组件 ...