首次连接到Linux系统时,SSH会提示你接受计算机的指纹以成功建立连接,因为“ known_hosts”文件中没有指纹。 本文原创地址:https://www.linuxprobe.com/auto-accept-fingerprint.html
首次连接到Linux系统时,SSH会提示你接受计算机的指纹以成功建立连接,因为“ known_hosts”文件中没有指纹。 本文原创地址:https://www.linuxprobe.com/auto-accept-fingerprint.html
客户端请求服务端时,客户端会获取服务端的公钥,因为没有像HTTPS那样的CA,所以第一次连接时只能由客户端自己确认公钥是不是正确。 客户端第一次登录服务端时,会提示:无法确认主机xxx.com(xxx.31.18.60)的真实性,不过知道它的公钥指纹(之所以用fingerprint代替公钥,主要是公钥太长(RSA算法生成的公钥有1024位),很难...
[root@master-61~]#ssh-copy-id web-7/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed:"/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"The authenticity of host'web-7 ('can't be established.ECDSA key fingerprintisSHA256:Csqwr63+SZRFFOug/IGoFTgRe8hDSI/QalSMBcC6IaU. ECDSA key finger...
RSA key fingerprint is f3:f8:e2:33:b4:b1:92:0d:5b:95:3b:97:d9:3a:f0:cf. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes 或者windows端使用图形界面ssh客户端工具时: 在说明身份验证过程前,先看下known_hosts文件的格式。以~/.ssh/known_hosts为例。
The key fingerprint is: SHA256:gDbZ6yf6716NYr4bwd/UcauiBzHDR0JYQWY8rnX2rIE root@zzp124.localdomain The key's randomart image is: +---[RSA 2048]---+ | *B. | | + .o+ . | | = o o + . .| | . . + B + . o.| |...
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:e6:57:8c:d7:87:13:e6:51:06:7d:fc:8a:06:c2:3c:b2. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? 写个脚本避免交互输入yes。无密钥登录的自动脚本实现 [root@ansible ~]# vim auto_ssh.sh
If you've never connected to this VM before you'll be asked to verify the hosts fingerprint. It's tempting to accept the fingerprint presented, however, this exposes you to a possible person in the middle attack. You should always validate the hosts fingerprint. You only need to do this ...
Fingerprint: MD5. For more information, see Find the MD5 fingerprint. When you provide your SSH private key for your connection, don't manually enter or edit the key, which might cause the connection to fail. Instead, make sure that you copy the key from your SSH private key file, and ...
RSA key fingerprint is a5:c4:4e:54:ea:2d:72:3f:9e:65:a2:ac:cd:41:ce:ca. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?yes #首次连接需要输入 Warning: Permanently added 'xuegod64,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. ...