连接SpringBootAdmin 异常 Name or service not known 2019-11-23 14:59 −环境: 服务器:Linux 客户端:Windows 当客户端连接到SpringBootAdmin的时候,报了如下异常 明明显示可以连接了,但是就是报了客户端INSTANCE DOWN (down机了) ... Arebirth
git错误--ssh: Could not resolve hostname ssh.github.com: Name or service not known--解决方式 2018-09-06 13:19 −... 子钦加油 0 16475 连接SpringBootAdmin 异常 Name or service not known 2019-11-23 14:59 −环境: 服务器:Linux 客户端:Windows 当客户端连接到SpringBootAdmin的时候,报了...
尝试通过rsync连接以下载文件时,请使用以下命令: rsync -Pav http://some.domainname.com/file.tar.gz 我收到以下错误信息 ssh: Could not resolve hostname http: Connection timed out rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver] rsync error: unexplained error (code ...
ssh:could not resolve hostname XXX:Temporary failure in name resolution,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
我试过了 scp -r hw8/ peke:~/Desktop/ ssh: Could not resolve hostname peke: Name or service not known 我的本地计算机名是peke,我可以从bash终端看到它。但是,我从远程注销,然后从远程主机到本地主机执行scp,它工作得很好。我正在试图弄清楚为什么上面的方法失败了。感谢您的意见 浏览4提问于2013-06...
ssh: Could not resolve hostname sadas: Name or service not known 所以可以改成这样: #!/usr/bin/expect set timeout 5 spawn ssh -p 1024 expect { "Connection refused" exit "Name or service not known" exit "continue connecting" {send "yes\r";exp_continue} ...
ssh: Could not resolve hostname -: No such host is known.Please note, I also tried changing the hostname from to the one displayed under ipconfig command, but the same error was encountered.Can you please advise, how this error can be resolved in order to successfully use SSH...
ssh连接远程时出现无法连接问题,在C:\Users\admin\.ssh下只有一个config配置文件。在远程机执行了sudo rm -rf .vscode-server,还是出现下面的问题。我在主机上ping远程机的IP:也ping不通,不知是和原因。 [17:35:46.023] Log Level: 2 [17:35:46.026] remote-ssh@0.84.0 [17:35:46.026] win32...
ssh192.168.6.136ssh: connect to host192.168.6.136port22: Connection refused 没有连接地址: ssh sadas ssh: Couldnotresolve hostname sadas: Nameorservicenotknown 所以可以改成这样: #!/usr/bin/expectset timeout5spawn ssh192.168.6.136-p1024expect {"Connection refused"exit"Name or service not known...
to enter a password after I enter "ssh root@". I think I've figured out that the proper password should be "Alpine", but I after typing "ssh root@". I get the same message... "ssh: Could not resolve hostname root: nodename nor servname provided, or not known" ...