-rwxr-xr-x 1 chm chm 127 Sep 2 08:06 tarupfiles.sh -rwxr-xr-x 1 chm chm 409 Sep 2 08:06 topaix.sh [chm@linuxbh1-p osw]$ it is ok ,all the sh files are here. 3 copy the sh files to local pc D:\osw\ google得到如下帮助信息: XShell上传与下载文件命令sz,rz sz test.log...
scp是secure copy的缩写,它是基于ssh协议的安全文件传输工具。 下面是这两个命令的具体用法: 1. 下载单个文件:scp [user@]host:source_file destination这个命令的含义是将远程主机上的source_file文件复制到本地目录destination。 示例:scp username@ /local/directory/ 2. 下...
其中,username是你在远程服务器上的用户名,remote_server_ip是远程服务器的IP地址或域名,/path/to/file是需要下载的文件路径,local_path是本地服务器上文件存储的路径。 例如,要下载远程服务器上的example.txt文件,执行以下命令: scp username@remote_server_ip:/home/username/files/example.txt /path/to/download...
The syntax for copying the files from the remote host and storing them on the local host is slightly different. You start with the SSH connection to the remote server and the path to the file or directory that you want to copy. Lastly, add the path to copy the file to the local host...
rsync -a -e '-z' /path/to/remote/directory /local/path/to/copy/location # 将整个目录结构...
To generate key files using the RSA algorithm supported by Azure DevOps (either RSA-SHA2-256 or RSA-SHA2-512), run one of the following commands from a PowerShell or another shell such asbashon your client: PowerShellCopy ssh-keygen-trsa-sha2-256 ...
SFTP is also supported. For example, to copy a local file to a remote host "my-host": (sftp"my-host":put"/from/this/path""to/this/path") Note that any sftp commands that change the state of the sftp session (such as cd) do not work with the simplified interface, as a new ses...
会将192.168.125.111中/etc/lilo.conf文件copy 到本地的/etc目录下。 #保持从来源 host 档案的属性$scp –p cl@ /etc 若要cp目录,使用-r选项 #拷贝远程设备/tmp/dir到/home/cl下 $ scp –r cl@ ...
Generating public/private ecdsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (C:\Users\username/.ssh/id_ecdsa): 你可以按 Enter 来接受默认值,或指定要在其中生成密钥的路径和/或文件名。 此时,系统会提示你使用密码来加密你的私钥文件。 通行短语可以为空,但不建议这样做。 将密码与密钥文件一起使...
of the public key file to use in the Azure portal or a Resource Manager template, make sure you don't copy any trailing whitespace. To copy a public key in macOS, you can pipe the public key file topbcopy. Similarly in Linux, you can pipe the public key file to programs such as...