>]0;C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe[13:14:15.845]Got some output, clearing connectiontimeout[13:14:17.122]"install"terminalcommanddone[13:14:17.122]Install terminal quit with output:]0;C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe[13:14:17.122]Receivedinstalloutput:]0;C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe[13:14:17.123...
3. 使用vscode连接虚拟机,如果连接成功,把虚拟机中的~/.vscode-server/bin/* 打包放到服务器上 — 推荐 [08:48:13.513]Server installation process alreadyinprogress - waiting and retrying[08:48:14.517]Running script with connection command:ssh-T -D58042""bash[08:48:14.518]Terminal shel...
解决方法是左下角点开设置,搜索remote platform,把平台改对: 情形2:输入密码之后显示连接不上 注意:已经弹出要求输入密码的框,但还是没连上, 说明问题出在VScode应用程序在服务器或虚拟机上的行为上, 这个时候需要排查VScode究竟哪一步操作出现了问题。 注意:连接的时候点右下角的‘details’(如下图)一般就能看到...
The first time you connect, VSCode prompts you for the platform type on the remote SSH host (Linux/Windows/macOS) and the connection password: Once connected to the remote SSH host, you can edit any text files directly from the VSCode editor and execute shell commands as if you were connec...
1、vscode界面反复提示输入密码 2、打开OUTPUT界面,查看REMOTE-SSH输出 有报错channel 2: open failed: ...
以上片段摘自VS Code SSH Remote Connection issues。里面也给出了一个解决方案,亲测有用。 远程的服务器的用户目录下(/home/yourusername/),有一个.vscode-server目录,将该目录改名,重新连接即可。之后在连接的时候会重新在上述目录下新建一个.vscode-server目录。改名后的目录可以删除。
一、问题描述 在VsCode中按下"F1",选择Remote-SSH:Connect to Host 选择一个已经配置好的SSH主机,比如我选择的是192.168.0.104: 结果提示:Could not establish connection to XXX 二、解决方法 观察VsCode的输出信息,可以看到输出了:Offending ECDSA key in C:\\Users\\14503/.ssh/known_hosts:4...过程试图写入...
Vscode ssh卡死在setting up ssh host 一、config文件里删除了重新添加,也就是删除连接重新连接 二、.ssh文件夹权限不足的原因导致 1.找到.ssh文件夹。它通常位于C:\Users,例如C:\Users\Akkuman。 2.右键单击.ssh文件夹,然后单击“属性”。 3.找到并点击“安全”标签。
Hi I try to connect to a Remote Explorer via Visual Studio Code. I installed everything according to the documentation. Now my problem lies within adding my ssh key which I generated through putty. The private and public key have been moved to the same folder as the config file (C:\User...
When using the VSCode Remote WSL features, I've come to appreciate and rely on the ability to open a folder or file in VSCode by using the code command in my WSL terminal and it starting up a VSCode on Windows -> VSCode Remote WSL window...