根据SSH authentication timeout项查看SSH服务器登录超时时间,缺省情况下为60秒。如果登录超时间太短,会导致用户登录失败,可以在系统视图下,执行命令ssh server timeoutseconds,修改SSH连接认证超时时间。 根据SSH server port项查看服务端口号是否是22,缺省情况下,端口号为22。
一、问题 登录ssh输入用户名后,等待很长时间20-30秒左右才显示输入密码提示框,从而导致通过jumpserver堡垒机登录主机时,报错:Authentication timeout Opt>3开始连接到 root@XXXXXXXXXXX10.0Authentication timeout. Opt> 二、原因 在网上查了大量的资料得知可能是由于DNS解析的问题导致的,具体为server的sshd会去DNS查找...
undo ssh server authentication-timeout 【视图】 系统视图 【缺省级别】 3:管理级 【参数】 time-out-value:认证超时时间,取值范围为1~120,单位为秒。 【描述】 ssh server authentication-timeout命令用来在SSH服务器端设置SSH用户的认证超时时间,如果用户在规定的时间内没有完成认证就拒绝该连接。undo ssh serv...
(2) 设置SSH用户的认证超时时间。 ssh server authentication-timeout time-out-value 缺省情况下,SSH用户的认证超时时间为60秒。 为了防止不法用户建立起TCP连接后,不进行接下来的认证而空占进程,妨碍其它合法用户的正常登录,可以设置验证超时时间,如果在规定的时间内没有完成认证就拒绝该连接。 2022-03-25回答 评...
<HUAWEI> display ssh server status SSH Version : 2.0 SSH authentication timeout (Seconds) : 60 SSH authentication retries (Times) : 3 SSH server key generating interval (Hours) : 0 SSH version 1.x compatibility : Enable SSH server keepalive : Disable SFTP IPv4 server : Disable SFTP IPv6 ...
<BJXG-7FDC06-F041-042-S6800>dis ssh server status Stelnet server: Enable SSH version : 2.0 SSH authentication-timeout : 60 second(s) SSH server key generating interval : 0 hour(s) SSH authentication retries : 3 time(s) SFTP server: Disable SFTP Server Idle-Timeout: 10 minute(s) NET...
Test<config>#ip ssh {[timeoutseconds] | [authentication-retriesinteger]}!--- Configure the SSH control variables on the AP. Note: You can specify the timeout in seconds, but do not exceed 120 seconds. The default is 120. This the specification that applies to the SSH negotiation phase...
For keyboard interactive authentication it is also possible to restrict authentication to a specific device by appending a colon followed by the device identifierbsdauth,pam, orskey, depending on the server configuration. For example, “keyboard-interactive:bsdauth” would restrict keyboard interactive ...
complete public key authentication, followed by either password or keyboard interactive authentication. Only methods that are next in one or more lists are offered at each stage, so for this example it would not be possible to attempt password or keyboard-interactive authentication before public key...
authentication-scheme default authorization-scheme default accounting-scheme default domain default domain default_admin local-aaa-user wrong-password retry-interval 5 retry-time 5 block-time 30 local-user admin password cipher %@%@Z]b_3ymz*& #正常配置是的命令,或dis cur 显示此条 ...