Systematic GIS Development and Its Successful Implementation in SSGC-PakistanSyed Ali NaqiZuhair Siddiqui
Bidder in deciding whether to participate in the Project with Pakistan LNG Terminals Limited (“PLTL”) in the manner described herein. It is not intended to form the basis of any investment decision and does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase shares in any corporate ...
SSGC LPG Limited (SLL) has its own population of cylinders with capacity of 11.8 kg, 15 kg and 45.4 kg. SLL acquired three LPG bottling plants across the country at Karachi, Muridke (Punjab) and Haripur (KPK). The plants at Karachi and Haripur were refurbished and are operational. Bottling...
The article reports on the business recovery of SSGC in Pakistan. It says that the company is adopting a 5-year reduction plan by setting up overall and department targets with an aim on bringing the figure at par with the benchmark of 5%. Furthermore, the medium term and the long term...
SSGC Customer Connect is a service provider app which brings the real-time data at your fingertips. Want to view your past records? Need to file a complaint? Wa…
SSGC Vacancies / Positions:- Jetty Supervisor Shift Supervisor - Terminal Assistant Manager - Bottling Assistant Manager - Taxation Manager Risk Management & Compliance Manager Business Strategy & Planning / Industry Analys...
Welcome to System Solutions Group, Inc. About Us Our team Tell people about your experienced staff. Our history Share when and why you launched your information technology company. Our mission Describe the mission of your information technology company. ...
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Ltd. (SSGC), a blue chip gas utility in Pakistan. SSGC operates 3,000 kilometer (km) high-pressure transmission network and 27,000 km distribution network in Sindh and Balochistan. The company has a sound financial base and it delivers natural gas delivering to 1.9 million customers.Siddiqui...