image.png 注意美国的奶牛可以达到每周进行一次间接基因组预测,并且喜欢使用ss-SNPBLUP。 image.png image.png 大数据的问题(百万级别)只有少数人碰到 image.png 5 未知父母组 image.png Metafounders image.png 进口精液的国家(主要我国也是)往往没有产生精液的牛深度系谱信息,增加了未知父母组效应: image.png image...
image.png 目前ssGBLUP的拓展模型 image.png
SSGBLUP相对于传统ABLUP, 准确性提高1%, 准确性提高的比较低主要是因为参考群数目较低(592头) 如果模拟少量的测序个体, 进行分析, 也显示SSGBLUP相对于ABLUP提高的也比较低, 提高了0.6%. 如果两性状遗传相关比较高(0.7), 使用双性状SSGBLUP, 准确性能进一步提高, 能提高2.6%. 如果两性状遗传相关比较低, 那么...
For genotyped animals without phenotype records, an increase in accuracy from 43.65 to 52.98% by ssGBLUP method was observed. The Spearman's rank correlation for all the animals was 0.53 and for the genotyped animals was -0.03, indicating that there was no association between the rank of the ...
姚先生坐在研究室里,笑嘻嘻地连文带信拿给我看,向一个比他小四十三岁的学生征求意见,我把它们匆匆看过,然后抬起头来,望着姚先生那稀疏的白发,很诚恳地答他道: 王先生在文章里说得很明白,他说「首先不必谈如何使青年接上这一棒,倒要看看如何使老年们交出这一棒」。站在一个青年人的立场,我所关心的是:...
比较常规ABLUP和单性状SSGBLUP以及多性状SSGBLUP, 以及GBLUP方法 结果显示, GBLUP相对于ABLUP准确性降低 SSGBLUP相对于传统ABLUP, 准确性提高1%, 准确性提高的比较低主要是因为参考群数目较低(592头) 如果模拟少量的测序个体, 进行分析, 也显示SSGBLUP相对于ABLUP提高的也比较低, 提高了0.6%. 如果两性状遗传相关...
Extension of single-step ssGBLUP to many genotyped individualsIgnacy MisztalWorld Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock ProductionProceedings of the World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production
Conclusions:We conclude that the impact of preselection on accuracy and bias in subsequent ssGBLUP evaluations of selection candidates in pigs is generally minimal. We expect this conclusion to apply for other animal breeding programs as well, since preselection of any type or intensity generally has...
tarda in Japanese flounder and to evaluate the accuracy of single-step GBLUP (ssGBLUP), weighted ssGBLUP (WssGBLUP), and BayesB for improving resistance to E. tarda by using three subsets of pre-selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In addition, SNPs that are associated with this ...
Variance components were estimated by AIREML and (genomic) estimated breeding values ((G)EBV) by BLUP or single-step GBLUP (ssGBLUP). Validation was assessed for 146 genotyped sires with progeny in last generation. Accuracy was calculated as correlation of (G)EBV from reduced data (all ...