从统计结果可知,在老工艺中,由于local variation 非常小,所以在K 库时会将local variation 跟global variation 全都考虑进去,STA 分析时用worst-case 模型,对应的corner 为 SS (slow nMOS-slow pMOS ) 和 FF ( fast nMOS-fast pMOS),其中SS corner 只有early derate, FF corner 只有late derate。而在新工艺...
Global corner with local Monte Carlo: 假设片子上所有管子都朝同一个方向偏,所有管子都有相同的Gloabl variation 和local variation, 这就是ss, ff corner 所用的方法,工艺偏差本就是个随机事件,过度保守地应对随机性,必定导致过于悲观的结果。 Full Monte Carlo: <有驴友笑称门特卡洛是口缸,啥都可以往里装>...
Computations on the NASA Common Research Model revealed that the SST model produces large wing–root corner separation bubbles, contrary to experimental evidence, whereas the WilcoxRSM-w2006 and SSG/LRR-RSM-w2012-SD models yield very small bubbles. This is because RSMs can predict the difference ...
| For additional information about the Dashboard Application Services Hub, click | Help at the top right hand corner of the panel. Customizing your tasks To customize a task, you must be the task owner. Configured tasks are provided with default values. However, you can customize their ...
js_id_w Job stream The job stream ID js_latest_start_w Job stream The latest time at which a job stream can start (date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) engine_name_w Engine The name of the engine connection engine_host_w Engine The hostname of the engine connection engine_port_w ...
Model Number Nominal Size Inches 125-10 125-12 225-10 225-12 300-10 300-12 Accessories 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" 1-1/4" x 1-1/4" 1-5/8" x 2-3/8" 1-5/8" x 2-3/8" 1-5/8" x 3-1/8" 1-5/8" x 3-1/8" CORNER GUSSET NUTS & BOLTS PKG. OF 100 5/16" x 3/4"...
回到今日主题,PVT corner 名字演进的背后,同样是『模型精华』,从ss 到ssg 无非是将local variation 这部分效应在仿真时做了剥离,从固定到随机,通过其他方式予以补偿,从ssg 到ssgnp 无非是对『随机性』进一步回归—— ssgnp 中的NP 表示NMOS, PMOS cancelation —— 老驴将其概括为『祸不双降』。
js_id_w Job stream The job stream ID js_latest_start_w Job stream The latest time at which a job stream can start (date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) engine_name_w Engine The name of the engine connection engine_host_w Engine The hostname of the engine connection engine_port_w ...
js_id_w Job stream The job stream ID js_latest_start_w Job stream The latest time at which a job stream can start (date format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) engine_name_w Engine The name of the engine connection engine_host_w Engine The hostname of the engine connection engine_port_w ...