While the I2C SDA pin is implemented with two GPIO pins, one pin configured in GPI mode for taking input sample and a second pin configured in GPO mode for driving the line. Depending on Baud rate, firmware can emulate multiple instances of the I2C interface from a single PRU core. The ...
However, the supported GPI/GPO modes differs between devices. AM335x Direct Input Parallel Capture Shift In Direct Output Shift Out EnDat Sigma Delta √√√ AM437x √√√ Table 3. GPI/GPO Mode Comparison AM570x √ AM571x √ AM572x SR2.0 √ AM572x SR1.1 √ AM574x √√√ K2G √√...
此后连续四年,尼日利亚代表处的销售业绩一直排名全球第一。 除了丰富的海外市场经验,李健在华为期间还担任过LTC全球流程责任人(GPO)、CRM项目群主任等重要职位,对全球业务流程和运营管理有着深刻理解。作为LTC全球流程责任人,李健不仅要对华为内部的各业务线流程了如指掌,还需要具备不同国家/地区市场的工作经验,能够根...
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阳光明媚的夏日,鸟儿百啭,仿佛也在为小朋友们感到高兴!因为今天是个特殊的日子,2018年8月30日新虹桥小学迎来了新一届的一年级学生和他们的家长。 走进窗明几净,布置一新的教室,老师们和煦的笑容和亲切地问候,让每个新入学的小朋友和他们的家长如沐春风,对今后的小学生活充满了美好的憧憬。在新生学前教育的课程中...
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