GRAND RAPIDS, MI - The Rockford Board of Education will soon decide whether the school district should drop the trimester schedule after seven years for the more common semester schedule. Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, the administration is recommending the calendar be divided at the hi...
Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw stands next to his vehicle. Holtzclaw, 27, who was a star football player in high school and college, is accused of sexually assaulting at least six women during traffic stops and investigators are looking into whether there are more victims. (AP ...
In the case of the Nigerian player whose schoolwork from Idaho was misrepresented, his official transcript is a blurry and light copy that someone -- presumably an Eastside official -- had written over. The new markings highlight the student's class schedule. The players' documents contain oth...
Most realistic scenario One thing that stays the same year after year at Sherwood is the wing-T. You know what you’re going up against when you see the Bowmen on your schedule, and Lawrence thinks his stable of backs can keep the running game humming along – they averaged 271 yards pe...
"We can't have these dark spots on the ferry schedule," he said. Among other ideas: Creating more back-office jobs here like those seen in the Jersey City financial district. "We have to have economic development in places like Staten Island because Manhattan has become unaffordable," he ...
That prodigious burn rate became a particular concern in 2009 and 2010 when bitter political squabbling about the project's merit put it months behind schedule. The delays have upped the estimated cost by $100 million, according to internal CRC emails obtained by The Oregonian. ...
Stevens also is vice president of the Bedford school board, athletic director at Lutheran East and a longtime member of the Northeast District Athletic Board, as well as several other education and athletic boards and committees. All this for a guy who retired from a public school career last ...
'Strong at Any Cost' is a three-part Star-Ledger special report on the secret world of steroid use by law enforcement officers and firefighters