SAP Managed Tags: Security Dear All, Even though of the very good documentation of ssf and ABAP, I open this thread (Please excuse my bad English. I'm German and I hope you can identify the sarcasm of the sentence!). I want to use the envelope/develope function of ssf (function S...
output_options= ls_output_options EXCEPTIONS formatting_error=1 internal_error=2 send_error=3 user_canceled=4 OTHERS=5. CALLFUNCTION'SSF_CLOSE' EXCEPTIONS formatting_error=1 internal_error=2 send_error=3 OTHERS=4. 修改为: ls_control_parameters-no_open=''"." 打开打印对话框 ls_control_paramete...
START-OF-SELECTION. *Get the function module name using form name CALL FUNCTION'SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME' EXPORTING formname=gv_formname IMPORTING fm_name=gv_fm_name EXCEPTIONS no_form=1 no_function_module=2 OTHERS=3. IFsy-subrc<>0. MESSAGEIDsy-msgidTYPEsy-msgtyNUMBERsy-msgno WITHsy-msg...
SAP Managed Tags: Security Hi Tim, you are referring to a very special SSF application (-> see: ABAP function module SSFT_PPPI_SIGN calling function module SSFH_PASSWORD_PROMPT). In that case, the application server is signing a document - after checking the user credentials (UID/PWD) ...