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SSENSE 5折大促开始啦![憧憬] 一年就两次! 寄uk页面价格已包tax,满£200包邮,具体看: | 女 | 男 | 包
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We understand the importance of free returns for our UK customers and reviews from clients such as yourself are valuable to us. Moreover, we are looking into improving our return policy and procedures in the near future for our international clients in order to make it more convenient. ...
Orders placed with any private promotional offer/private sale are not eligible for earning reward. No reward for Gucci products. Missing transaction claims investigation could take approximately 80 business days. *** Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purch...
Ü 简介: 北美省钱快报 DealMoon旗下英国频道 小编微笑服务号UKLovedealmoon。 T 友情链接 英国省钱快报APP Dealmoon法国站 更多a 54关注 181064粉丝 198604微博 微关系 她的关注(48) 牵牵星事 Maison_Kitsune ___Cos_ 俊俊Vic 她的粉丝(18.1万) 一枚魚干 柴可咕噜噜斯基...
这两双鞋唯一不足的就是鞋码不标准,偏大。根据客服推荐买的US6.5码,也就是UK4.5,EUR37,鞋盒标明23.5厘米,本人脚长23厘米,感觉大了一码的样子。由于是final sale,不给退换。总的来说,SSense的初次购物体验还行,主要是最后两双帆布鞋的尺码让我有点失望。0 0 发表评论 发表 ...
We first covered UK-based startup wireWAX and the intelligent video movement back in September. To give you a quick recap, wireWAX is a Web-based, motion-tracking taggable video tool which allows video-creators to add clickable hotspots to
ssense购物的优点:绝大部分商品能直邮,不砍单,衣服鞋子基本都有模特上身图(虽然有的模特长的过于有特点),折扣力度和折扣覆盖面都不错,网站品牌齐全且较为时尚,能低价淘到大牌,客服沟通顺畅,回复较迅速。 缺点:每年只有两次折扣过于傲娇,加拿大邮政速度太慢,不主动报税而且会将商品价格写成实际价格的十分之一,不过今...
2020春夏还没正式到来,知名时尚电商SSENSE推出了Fear of God Essentials最新的春夏简约服饰系列,该系列是品牌2020春夏系列的一部分,采用简约的设计和舒适的面料。 时尚潮牌Fear of God的复线品牌Essentials,一向以干净、柔和风格著称,这一系列也延续了这一风格。首先是Polar Fleece产品,其中包括带有斜裁袖口的背心,宽松的...