It couldn’t be easier to keep your SSE Pay As You Go meter topped up. Simply head to your nearest PayPoint or Post Office branch with your electricity key or gas card to hand. Make sure to top up on a regular basis to avoid getting caught short when your electricity or gas runs out...
aNobody could have failed to notice the fact that a number of students pay little attention to the study of Chinese nowadays. Taking a look around, one can find examples too many to enumerate: some play truant from Chinese classes, some read few Chinese classics and some rarely write articl...
for management of Comment water-related issues Row Yes 1 SSE's approach to Executive remuneration reflects the role of sustainability and climate-related considerations within SSE's purpose and strategy, with sustainability-linked metrics and targets forming an element of performance-related pay. W...
if we plot the right pathway to net zero it will not only deliver benefits today in the form of green jobs, clean industries and revitalised communities, but safeguard the interests of future consumers who will have to pay for the decisions we make today and will ultimately be faced with th...
services/rfq/relayer/inventory/manager.go (4) 21-21: The addition of thecctpcontract import is necessary for the new rebalancing functionality. Ensure that thecctppackage is correctly implemented and tested, as it plays a crucial role in the rebalancing process. ...