点击工具 - ACPI浏览器 - Save DSDT—选择保存位置保存,把保存好的acpi_dsdt.bin命名为DSDT.aml 工具—ACPI浏览器—Save Table—前面是SSDT开头的都要保存。 保存时候文件名为SSDT.aml/SSDT-1.aml/SSDT-2.aml/SSDT-3.aml/依次类推,保存类型为ALL files(*.*)。 比如我下面的这个视频中,需要一直保存12个,...
This file is equivalent to SSDT-RTC0.aml, SSDT-AWAC tries to activate the old macOS compatible RTC clock and SSDT-RTC0 creates a fake compatible RTC clock if it does not exist. SSDT-CPUR: to boot systems with AMD B550 and A520. SSDT-EC-DESKTOP and SSDT-EC-LAPTOP: fake Embedded ...
<string>DSDT.aml</string> <key>ReuseFFFF</key> <false/> </dict> <key>SSDT</key> <dict> ...
Config.plist and current ssdt.aml attached sysctl -n machdep.xcpm.mode = 0 sysctl -n machdep.xcpm.vectors_loaded_count = 0 From Pikeralphas blog: Tips: 1.) The X86PlatformPlugin.kext will only load with the plugin-type property is set on the first logical CPU. This however is not en...
[sys] Fix _WAK Arg0 v2 [sys] HPET Fix [sys] “SMBUS” Fix [sys] IRQ Fix [sys] RTC ...
2. How do I rename properly my SSDT-xxxx.aml files in SSDT-0-1-7-8-10-11-PNLF.aml files to have a working SSDT? Thanks, Marco Administrators On 9/26/2018 at 12:40 AM,acquarius.13said: 1. Should I patch and compile ALL the other SSDT-xxxx.aml files or is this one sufficient...
"RTC Fix" "OS Check Fix" "Fix Mutex with non-zero SyncLevel" "Fix PNOT/PPNT" "Add IMEI” USB补丁,用于解决 睡眠自动唤醒 的问题。 根据自己电脑的硬件配置选择USB补丁: "7-series/8-series USB” USB3 Mutliplex补丁,有助于加载AppleUSBXHCI.kext(原生USB3.0驱动),于是就不需要安装第三方的Generic...
want to copy /Users/mo/Desktop/SSDT_PR.aml to /Extra/SSDT.aml? (y/n)? I do have an error when i boot up that i can see through verbose mode. This is the system.log 4/8/13 1:04:02.000 AM kernel[0]: PMAP: PCID enabled 4/8/13 1:04:02.000 AM kernel[0]: PMAP: Supervisor...