7、SSDT-PLUG.aml——注入X86 8、SSDT-PNLF.aml——屏幕亮度补丁 9、SSDT-PTSWAK.aml——综合拓展...
要获取SSDT-PLUG,请运行以下命令:7. Dump DSDT 然后跑 3. PluginType 这将为您提供一些文件,您...
5.配置/即插即用(Configuration/Plug and Play) 6.系统事件(System Event) 7.电池管理(Battery management) 8.温度管理(Thermal management) 9.嵌入式控制器(Embedded Controller) 10.SMBus控制器(SMBus Controller) ACPI接口中包含了很多预定义的表格,这些表格的定义存储在BIOS芯片中,由BIOS生成到内存中提交给操作...
驱动名称引导启动主要用途 SSDT-PLUG.amlOC,CLOVERx86 实现 CPU 电源管理,2-3代不需要 显示相关 驱动名称引导启动主要用途 SSDT-IGPUOC,CLOVER驱动核显设备,实现HDMI音频以及正确显,OpenCore后全面改用属性注入,不再需要 SSDT-DDGPUOC,CLOVER禁用不支持的独立显卡,比如NVIDIA非免驱动独显 ...
SSDT-PLUG Sets plugin-type = 1 on CPU0/PR00 SSDT-PMC Adds missing PMCR device for native 300-series NVRAM SSDT-AWAC Disables AWAC clock, and enables (or fakes) RTC as needed SSDT-USB-Reset Returns a zero status for detected root hubs to allow hardware querying SSDT-Bridge Create...
SSDT-PLUG Sets plugin-type = 1 on CPU0/PR00 SSDT-PMC Adds missing PMCR device for native 300-series NVRAM SSDT-AWAC Disables AWAC clock, and enables (or fakes) RTC as needed SSDT-USB-Reset Returns a zero status for detected root hubs to allow hardware querying SSDT-Bridge ...
Files 224d6cf EFI SSDTS SSDT-AWAC.dsl SSDT-EC-USBX.dsl SSDT-PLUG.dsl SSDT-RHUB.dsl SSDT-SBUS-MCHC.dsl assets .gitignore README.mdBreadcrumbs Hackintosh-ROG-STRIX-Z490I /SSDTS / SSDT-RHUB.dsl Latest commit jergoo Add SSDT-RHUB 224d6cf· Jun 20, 2020 HistoryHisto...
SSDT can integrate with source plug-ins. You can use the Source Controls pages in the Options dialog to specify a plug-in and configure properties.Custom report templatesTo use custom reports as templates for new reports, you copy them to the ReportProject folder on the computer on which ...