1.打开acpi_dsdt.aml 2.选择主板相应的dsdt补丁 3.应用补丁,选apply 4.按F5编译 5.弹出编译...
DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))Return (Local0)} } } 复制代码 下方上图:...
点击Patch选项,找到并点击Insert DTGP补丁,点击Apply,载入补丁,保存DSDT!至此声卡ID注入完毕!四.DSDT...
There is an SSDT required for any of the other SSDTs to work: SSDT-DTGP.aml. DTGP method serves to inject custom parameters to some devices (device properties), without it no patches or corrections can be applied to the DSDT table. Someone more expert can correct me, I think that SSDT-...
Invalid combination of length and Min/Max fixed flags | DSDT错误修复 错误描述 Error:Invalid combination of length and Min/Max fixed flags,错误提示无效的组合长度。 错误修复 错误代码类似于0x0000, //... 12月18日 DSDT SSDT 4,676 阅读全文 DSDT SSDT Object does not exist (DTGP) | DSDT错误DT...
Acpi/DSDT/Patches:_DSM -> XDSM- but I guess this one is needed only if some of AML files in patched folder or Clover fixes use _DSM methods (AddDTGP for example) 2.Fix _WAK Arg0 v2 Acpi/DSDT/Fixes:FixWAK- but probably not needed since 10.10.2 (based on comment in patch source)...
DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0)) Return (Local0) }//网卡内建代码结束 }//网卡代码结束 } 复制代码 3.利用IORegistryExplorer来查找网卡地址及代码插入位置 在网卡已经驱动的情况下,IORegistryExplorer里搜索IOEthernetInterface,找到自己网卡的位置 ...
1.打开acpi_dsdt.aml 2.选择主板相应的dsdt补丁 3.应用补丁,选apply 4.按F5编译 5.弹出编译...