The SSDT team is pleased to announce that SQL Server Data Tools - December 2012 is now available for download!Get it here:SSDT for Visual Studio 2012: for Visual Studio 2010:
Integration Services 包SQL Server 2012 - SQL Server 2022 脱机安装 对于需要脱机安装的情况(例如低带宽或隔离网络),SSDT 可用于脱机安装。 可以使用两种方法: 对于单台计算机,可以全部下载,然后安装 若要在一台或多台计算机上安装,可以从命令行使用 Visual Studio 引导程序 ...
Integration Services 套件SQL Server 2012 - SQL Server 2022 離線安裝 需要離線安裝的情況 (例如,低頻寬或隔離的網路),可以使用 SSDT 進行離線安裝。 有兩種方法可供使用: 針對單一電腦,請下載全部後安裝 若要安裝在一或多部電腦上,請從命令列使用 Visual Studio 安裝程式 ...
Relational databases SQL Server 2012 - SQL Server 2019Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed InstanceAzure Synapse Analytics (dedicated pools only) Analysis Services modelsReporting Services reports SQL Server 2008 - SQL Server 2019 Integration Services packages SQL Server 2012 - SQL Server 2022Offline...
Integration Services packagesSQL Server 2012 - SQL Server 2022 Offline installation For scenarios where offline installation is required, such as low bandwidth or isolated networks, SSDT is available for offline installation. Two approaches are available: ...
Integration Services packagesSQL Server 2012 - SQL Server 2022 Offline installation For scenarios where offline installation is required, such as low bandwidth or isolated networks, SSDT is available for offline installation. Two approaches are available: ...
解决办法 :打补丁 官方网站: 搜索:Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012(KB2781514),下载安装,再打开Visual Studio 2012 就不会报兼容性问题了 参考:
Microsoft distributes Microsoft SQL Server 2012 fixes in one downloadable file. Because the fixes are cumulative, each new release contains all the hotfixes and all the security updates that were included with the previous SQL Server ...
Microsoft distributes Microsoft SQL Server 2012 fixes in one downloadable file. Because the fixes are cumulative, each new release contains all the hotfixes and all the security updates that were included with the previous SQL Server ...
我只能为Visual 2012和2013找到SSDT,而不是VS 2017,而SSDT for VS 2017是可用的。这会不会产生任何问题,因为我正在使用Server 浏览1提问于2018-03-18得票数 3 2回答 Visual Studio 2017不显示SSIS 、、、 我最近安装了SSMS 2017和Visual Studio 2017社区版。但是,我看不到用于创建Integration Services项...