Motherboard Gigabyte B760 Aorus Elite AX CPU i5-12600K Graphics RX 5600 Mac Classic Mac Mobile Phone Dec 1, 2020 #625 wstrohm said: Actually I'm on Catalina, and Clover R5126 works well. Booting is a little slower than using Clover R5119, but I assume that has somethi...
$~/ -h Usage: ./ [-abcdefghiklmnoprsutwx] -acpi Processor name (example: CPU0, C000) -acpi Processor name (example: CPU0, C000) -bclk frequency (base clock frequency) -board-id (example: Mac-F60DEB81FF30ACF6) -cpus number of physical processors [1-4] -debu...
I have attached my dsdt, ssdt and my Appleintelcpupowermanagement.kext which was patched using the patcher from section made by iFire. Also i didnt mention I am on 10.8.3. This is my bdmesg from chameleon. ...
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