与已报道的全基因组R-loop检测方法相比,ssDRIP-seq表现出易操作、精准、高效、高度灵敏、可重复性好等优点,并且可获得DNA链特异性信息。基于ssDRIP-seq,该研究获得了拟南芥全基因组水平R-loop的精准分布特征,如R-loop在拟南芥基因组中分布广泛且相对稳定,与基因表达、DNA甲基化、染色质修饰、GC/AT skew等存在着紧...
基于ssDRIP-seq,该研究获得了拟南芥全基因组水平R-loop的精准分布特征,如R-loop在拟南芥基因组中分布广泛且相对稳定,与基因表达、DNA甲基化、染色质修饰、GC/AT skew等存在着紧密关系。不同于哺乳动物基因组,拟南芥中广泛存在一类反义长非编码RNA在正义链转录起始位点形成的R-loop,推测这类特别的R-loop在调节基因...
ssDRIP-seq has been successfully applied for detecting R-loops from prokaryotes such as E. coli, to eukaryotes such as S. cerevisiae, mammalian cell culture and tissues, as well as plants Arabidopsis and rice, with high reproducibility and sensitivity....
To investigate the dynamics and potential functions of R-loop during early development, we developed an extra-high-efficiency and near-single-nucleotide-resolution R-loop profiling method, ULI-ssDRIP-seq (Ultra-Low-Input single-strand DNA ligation-based library construction from DNA:RNA hybrid ...
DNA:RNA Immunoprecipitation from S pombe Cells for qPCR and Genome-Wide Sequencing ssDRIP-seqBy temporarily distorting the DNA double helix, the moving RNA polymerases can lead to the formation of non-B DNA structures. One of the ... L Vachez,C Teste,V Vanoosthuyse - 《Methods in ...