以英特尔NVMe SSD为例,先到其官网下载Inter RST驱动,下载后将它解压到“闪存盘\Inter RS\drivers\production\windows10-X64”备用。接着在进行到图7所示安装步骤时,点击“加载驱动”,然后选择上述保存驱动目录,成功加载后安装程序可以识别到硬盘,剩余的操作按照屏幕提示完成安装即可。另一种方法是将所需要的驱动...
Windows 8.1和Windows 10通过增加可在单个 WLAN 配置文件中配置的 SSSD 数量,显著改进了对大量 SSSD 的支持。 一个 WLAN 配置文件现在最多可以包含 10,000 个 SSSD。 此外,WLAN 配置文件支持 SSID 前缀。本主题包含以下部分:每个配置文件有多个 SSSD 辅助SSSID 前缀 示例配置文件 ...
Windows 8.1和Windows 10通过增加可在单个 WLAN 配置文件中配置的 SSSD 数量,显著改进了对大量 SSSD 的支持。 一个 WLAN 配置文件现在最多可以包含 10,000 个 SSSD。 此外,WLAN 配置文件支持 SSID 前缀。 本主题包含以下部分: 每个配置文件有多个 SSSD ...
其实我中间尝试了网络上提供的很多方式都是失败。实在不想重装系统,所以一直在网上找解决方案,最终找到了解决方案——直接进入pe,进入系统盘,删除windiwssystem32driversbootsafe64.ev.sys文件和kavbootc.sys两个文件,然后重启电脑,拔掉U盘看是否能够进入系统。 当重启进入系统之后,看到登录界面,我真的超级兴奋。我就知道...
Install Essential Drivers: Install necessary drivers for your hardware components, including graphics card, sound card, network adapter, and any additional peripherals. You can typically find these on the manufacturer's website or through Windows Update. ...
Speed up my SSD Windows 10 when the space is running out Method 1: Delete unnecessary files and folders from SSD Method 2: Disable Hibernation Hibernation is enabled by default in computers. But enabled hibernation will reserve some disk space for its file, which is about 75% space of the ...
索引: 4,Windows 10 Pro Education 索引: 5,Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 2、用7-ZIP打开*:\sources\install.wim,提取相应索引的*\Windows\System32\drivers\WppRecorder.sys,备份,然后替换WTG相同目录的文件。(不要全部解压,你会怀疑人生的) PS: ...
简单说一下大致方法,先写一个可以引导安装系统的U盘,U盘中放一个Windows10正版镜像,然后再放刚才提到的Intel RST 驱动。 U盘装系统不是什么新话题了,按照Windows安装提示一步一步操作,直到找不到硬盘时,点击“加载驱动程序”,选择Intel RST 驱动文件。目录【inter RST \drivers\production\windows10-X64】。大概1...
3. Set how often you want Windows 11 to optimize your SSD. By default, Windows 11 chooses “Weekly,” but you can set the utility to optimize daily or (not recommended (Image credit: Tom's Hardware) When Windows “optimizes” an SSD, it retrims the blocks, informing the drive which ...
1. Fix Windows update errors, such as update failure, unable to upgrade Windows, etc. 2. Serve to download and install the latest Windows operating system on PC with success. 3. Provide fixes for daily Windows system errors with drivers, permission, account settings, etc., issues.Conclusion...