除了死亡蓝屏错误外,Windows 10最新的累积更新还修复了系统崩溃、系统重启循环等Bug。在本周早些时候更新的支持文档中,微软确认已经解决了NVMe SSD存储驱动器可能会使Windows 10崩溃的问题,并出现以下错误信息:DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VIOLATION。这个错误在用户使用旧的/不兼容的驱动程序和Thunderbolt端口设备情况下发生。...
除了死亡蓝屏错误外,Windows 10最新的累积更新还修复了系统崩溃、系统重启循环等Bug。在本周早些时候更新的支持文档中,微软确认已经解决了NVMe SSD存储驱动器可能会使Windows 10崩溃的问题,并出现以下错误信息:DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VIOLATION。这个错误在用户使用旧的/不兼容的驱动程序和Thunderbolt端口设备情况下发生。...
除了死亡蓝屏错误外,Windows 10最新的累积更新还修复了系统崩溃、系统重启循环等Bug。 在本周早些时候更新的支持文档中,微软确认已经解决了NVMe SSD存储驱动器可能会使Windows 10崩溃的问题,并出现以下错误信息:DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VIOLATION。这个错误在用户使用旧的/不兼容的驱动程序和Thunderbolt端口设备情况下发生。
10.选择【Intel Rapid Storage Driver V14.6.3.1032】文件夹,打开【3135】文件,点击【确定】,在选择要安装的驱动程序界面选择【Intel Chipset SATA RAID Controller】驱动,点击【下一步】。 11.回到将Windows安装在哪里的界面,选择SSD所在的分区,并点击【下一步】。 12.按提示操作完成安装即可。
近日据外媒报道,微软称已解决一个困扰Windows 10用户很久的问题,该问题会让用户系统崩溃,出现死亡蓝屏(BSOD)错误。除此之外,Win10新更新还修复了系统崩溃、系统重启循环等Bug。在本周更新的支持文档中,微软确认已解决了NVMe SSD存储驱动器可能会让Win10崩溃的问题,并出现以下错误信息:DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_...
使用Thunderbolt 固态 Disk (SSD)时,Windows 10 版本2004或 Windows 10 版本20H2 中发现了不兼容性问题。 在受影响的设备上插入 Thunderbolt 的 NVMe,可能会收到蓝屏错误,显示蓝屏,"DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VIOLATION (e6)验...
use of NVMe SSD, which indicates that in the process of win10 startup can still be joined by software NVMe SSD driver and use this hardware device, Hardware can be loaded at operating system boot, just as the SCSI card driver was previously loaded when installing th...
use of NVMe SSD, which indicates that in the process of win10 startup can still be joined by software NVMe SSD driver and use this hardware device, Hardware can be loaded at operating system boot, just as the SCSI card driver was previously loaded when installing t...
Re:SSD driver needed BEFORE windows 10 installation Hi, I can advise to try checking the BIOS Boot mode how it was set. You may try to format the SSD on the same partition style as those pen drive installer. UEFI boot mode should be for GPT and legacy ...
This page tells you how to initialize SSD in Windows 10/8/7 using Disk Management, Diskpart commands, and a third-party partition tool. Try these solutions to activate SSD when you get a brand new SSD or get errors like 'Disk Unknown Not Initialized' or