Palletlabel: makes GS1-labels and EDI affordable At Palletlabel we offer several subscriptions to relieve the logistic burden. Whether you need 20 SSCC labels a month, or over 500, at Palletlabel you’ll find a subscription plan suitable for the size of the business. Starting from € 40-, ...
Then, double-click the GS1-128 Sample Label under Thermal Package/Shipment Labels to modify it.Tip : For more information about SSCC, see An Introduction to the Serial Shipping Container Code, provided by GS1 US.SettingsAutomatically Generate SSCCGS1...
[label mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make){ make.size.mas_equalTo(CGSizeMake(kScreen_Width,100));//设置label的大小;//label的顶部和_bottomView相同}]; ReadMe: Masonry Masonry is being deprecated into a bugfix only state as more developers will be m...
Each bag should include a caution label on the outside indicating static-sensitive contents. • Cover workbench surfaces used for repair of electronic equipment with static dissipative workbench matting. • Utilize only anti-static cushioning material in equipment shippi...
Each bag should include a caution label on the outside indicating static-sensitive contents. • Cover workbench surfaces used for repair of electronic equipment with static dissipative workbench matting. • Use integrated circuit extractor/inserter tools des...