Conclusion The prevalence of ILD progression varies depending on which definition was applied. FVC decline alone and PF-ILD criteria predicted mortality significantly but not the 2022 PPF guideline criteria.A. M. Hoffmann-VoldL. Petelytska
Conclusion: Long-term stable ILD in SSc occurs but the frequency varies based on which definition is applied. Prediction of stable patients is challenging, highlighting the necessity of comprehensive disease assessment and monitoring over time. 展开 ...
Stable ILD defined by no PPF and no PF-ILD was significantly predicted by the absence of dcSSc and of ground glass opacities on HRCT (Figure 1B and C). Conclusion: Long-term stable ILD in SSc occurs but the frequency varies based on which definition is applied. Prediction of stable ...
The models discriminating ability was not significantly different (p=0.138).Conclusion: The prevalence of ILD progression varies depending on which definition was applied. FVC decline alone and PF-ILD criteria predicted mortality but not the PPF guideline criteria.Anna Maria Hoffmann-Vold...
Conclusion Progression is common in SSc-ILD, regardless of definition, but the PPF guideline criteria identified fewer progressors than FVC decline >5% and PF-ILD. We identified different variables predicting progression of FVC decline >5% and PF-ILD but could not identify a model with acceptable...