X-rays that have passed through a region of interest of the patient are converted to a light image by a phosphor screen (14) on the dome shaped input face (16) of an image intensifier (B). The dome shaped input face causes the output optical image (20) of the image intensifier to ...
Rattink A P, Faivre M , Jungerius B J , G roenen M A M , Harlizius B .A high-resolution comparative RH map of porcine chromosome (SSC)2.M ammalian G enome, 2001, 12 :366 ~ 370 .A high-resolution comparative RH map of porcine chromosome (SSC) 2 - Rattink, Faivre, et al...
across capacitor 21. Diode 22 and capacitor 14 add a further 70 v., allowing diode 22 to be returned to the 140 v. B+ terminal. The invention may be applied to trace driven circuits. In Fig. 2, not shown, diode 20 is connected to a topping on winding 15b....
When an instruction containing a jump is encountered, the mode control circuit sets the instruction mode for subsequent instructions in conformity with information provided by the execution of the jump command.ZWARTENKOT, HENDRIK TJEERD JOANNESLEIJTEN, JEROEN ANTON...