3rd Step: Navigate to the SSC Application Page and click on the SSC GD Constable tab. 4th Step: Click on the Apply Now link. 5th Step: Fill in all of the required information and double-check it before submitting the form. 6th Step: Candidates must then upload their signatures and photog...
SSC GD Exam Date 2025 is conducted the examination for 39,481 Constable vacancies. Candidates can check the SSC GD 2025 Exam Schedule, Admit Card, Exam City and important preparation tips shared here.
off mts cut off cpo cut off gd cut off je cut off stenographer cut off cgl result chsl result mts result cpo result gd result je result stenographer result ssc preparation government schemes logical reasoning static gk english prep for govt exams computer awareness quantitative aptitude mock tests...
Step 2: You should look for the individual stage “Result” on the top and then click on “SSC GD Constable” or you can download the writeup directly from the home page. Step 3: In the writeup, below you will find the cut-off tables for male, and female. Step 4: Also note that...
The last conducted exam was SSC GD 2023. Detailed information can be checked on the SSC GD notification page. The detailed SSC GD 2023 notice and vacancies regarding the same will be given in the PDF. For reference candidates can check the notification from the previous recruitment cycle. SSC...
ssc cgl syllabus ssc gd syllabus ssc chsl syllabus ssc cpo syllabus ssc je syllabus ssc mts syllabus ssc stenographer syllabus types of ssc general awareness questions in this section, candidates will know the types of ssc general knowledge questions asked in the examination. candidates who ...
off mts cut off cpo cut off gd cut off je cut off stenographer cut off cgl result chsl result mts result cpo result gd result je result stenographer result ssc preparation government schemes logical reasoning static gk english prep for govt exams computer awareness quantitative aptitude mock tests...
Step 2:Click on the ‘New User? Register Now tab will be visible on the right side of the home page of Staff Selection Commission. Step 3:Fill out the ‘Basic Details’, ‘Additional and Contact Details’, and ‘Declaration’ pages with the required information and Submit. and enter the...
via the candidate portal for the old SSC Website as mentioned above. The candidates can log in using their registration number and password they had set for the old website. The official declaration of the final marks has been done via the home page of the new website i.e. ssc.gov.in...
SSC GD Constable Application Form Syllabus Exam Pattern Salary Preparation Tips Cutoff IB ACIO Syllabus Admit Card Cutoff Question Papers Result Kolkata Police Constable Application Form SSC JHT Answer Key Result Application Form Vacancies (For Recruitment Exam) Eligibility Criteria Exam Pattern SSC CPO ...