Boost your SSC exam prep with video lectures, study materials, practice tests & latest updates. Crack SSC CGL, CHSL, JE & other exams with confidence. Start preparing now!
The SSC CGL Exam Pattern has Computer Proficiency Test/ Skill Test (wherever applicable)/ Document Verification that is conducted as per the provisions of the notice of examination. Candidates should check SSC CGL official notification from time to time for more details on the syllabus, exam patte...
, such as precis and letter writing format, rules and list of prepositions, articles, conjunctions etc., candidates can check the link provided. general intelligence: this section will test the candidates factual and theoretical knowledge. for this effect, the topics for this exam are symbolic/ ...
Tier IIISkill TestSpeed Typing Test adjudged on the correct entry of data SSC CHSL Exam Pattern Tier I As already mentioned above, the SSC CHSL Tier I is a computer-based exam conducted online. Candidates are given a total of 60 minutes to solve SSC CHSL Tier I paper comprising 100 quest...