SSC CGL Syllabus 2023. Latest SSC CGL exam pattern and syllabus for tier I, II, III, IV are given. Know updated SSC CGL pattern, download SSC CGL Syllabus PDF, get free study material for SSC exams at BYJU'S
Check SSC CGL 2025 Syllabus, Pattern, Eligibility, and Admit Card SSC CGL exam is conducted in Tiers. Tier-I & II will be conducted online. The candidate has to clear every tier and score cut-off marks, decided by the SSC board, to proceed further in this exam. The job profiles will...
Aspirants have to be well informed on the latest syllabus and exam pattern when preparing for the exam. The SSC CHSL Tier 1 syllabus comprises four sections or subjects as given below: Reasoning Ability Quantitative Aptitude English Language General Awareness The detailed SSC CHSL Syllabus for Tier...
General Intelligence and Reasoning Part B- General Knowledge and General Awareness Part C- Elementary Mathematics Part D- English/ Hindi 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 90 minutes The SSC Syllabus for SSC GD Constable examination is aligned to the syllabus of CGL, CPO and CHSL exams. Candidates pre...
We have discussed the lucrative salary structure of SSC CGL positions, including pay scale, allowances, and perks. Here is the comprehensive breakdown of SSC CGL Salary after the 7th Pay Commission.
The exam for SSC CGL is expected to be conducted in June or July 2023. SSC CGL candidates should be familiar with the roles, responsibilities and job profile of the specific post they are interested in. The SSC CGL starting salary ranges 30,587 and goes to 65,318. The SSC CGL highest ...
The SSC CGL Result 2024 for the Tier 1 exam has been released on the official website on 5th December 2024. Candidates can check their results from the direct links provided below. The result has been released in PDF Format separately for the post of JSO
SSC CGL Syllabus 2025 The General Intelligence and Reasoning section checks how well a candidate can understand the given information and find the correct answers. This section includes questions based on both language and maths. Candidates should check the detailed syllabus below and start their prepa...
Admit Card (07-10-2023) SSCMPR | SSCCR | SSCNR | SSCER | SSCKKR | SSCNER | SSCWR | SSCNWR Application Status (03-10-2023) SSCKKR Exam Status (03-10-2023) SSCKKR Apply Online Click Here Notification Click Here Selection Process Click Here Syllabus Click Here Exam Pattern Click Here...
Section 1: General Intelligence and Reasoning This General Intelligence syllabus section mainly consists of questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. This test mainly includes questions designed to test the candidate’s capacity to deal with abstract ideas, symbols, their relationships, and other...