The SSC CGL highest post salary is for Assistant Audit Officer (AAO). The lowest salary is for the post of Tax Assistant (TA). The job profile of SSC CGL varies depending on the post on which candidates get selected for. There are posts to do audit, excise, custom duty profile related...
We have discussed the lucrative salary structure of SSC CGL positions, including pay scale, allowances, and perks. Here is the comprehensive breakdown of SSC CGL Salary after the 7th Pay Commission.
total 34 group b and group c posts. the salary of candidates depends on the post for which they have been selected and the pay levels they fall under. the table below highlights the ssc cgl pay levels and the pay scale for the respective levels. ssc cgl pay levels ssc cgl pay scales ...
The SSC CGL salary package, including the salary in hand and the allowances, differs for each SSC CGL job profile. Candidates can check the post-wise SSC CGL salary per month, in-hand, and pay level below: PostPay LevelGross SalaryIn Hand Salary Assistant Audit Officer – Indian Audit &...
SSC CGL (Tier-1) Answer Key, 2023 Staff Selection Commission released a total of 7500 Vacancies for SSC CGL 2023 for filling up of various Group ‘B’ and Group ‘C’ posts in different Ministries/ Departments. Updated Vacancies, if any, along with Post-wise & category-wise vacancies will...
SSC CHSL 2025 Post-Wise Salary DetailsEvery year lakhs of individuals apply for this job through the SSC CHSL exam because of the attractive income structure and pay grade offered. For instance, there is a 22 to 24% increase after the 7th pay commission. In addition to a good pay scale,...
The SSC CGL Cut Off 2024 has been released along with the Tier 1 result on the official website at Candidates can check the cutoff for each post in this article.
The SSC CGL salary 2025 is based on the 7th Pay Commission. The salary structure has four main pay levels, starting from Pay Level 4 to Pay Level 7. These levels depend on the job and position of the candidate. The higher the pay level, the higher the salary and extra benefits accrued...
SSC CGL EligibilitySSC CGL Salary SSC CGL Answer KeySSC CGL Admit Card There are a number of factors that affect SSC CGL cut off. These following factors are involved while determining the SSC CGL cut off: Number of candidates writing the exam ...
SSC CGL 2022 Postwise Pay Scale: Know the Salary after 7th Pay Commission, Pay Scale, Grade Pay for SSC CGL 2022 Posts under various Ministries & Govt Departments.