Age relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit 1. ST/SC 5 years 2. OBC 3 years 3. PwD (Unreserved) 10 years 4. PwD (OBC) 13 years 5. PwD (ST/SC) 15 years 6. Ex-Servicemen (ESM) 3 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on...
PostMinimum AgeMaximum Age LDC/JSA18 years27 years PA/SA18 years27 years DEO18 years27 years The table below gives an idea about the age relaxation for reserved candidates: SSC CHSL Upper Age Limit RelaxationCategory 5 YearsSC/ST 3 YearsOBC ...
Candidates applying for SSC CGL 2025 must satisfy the SSC CGL Eligibility Criteria which includes a Bachelor's degree, age limit, nationality, physical standards. Check all the details here.
Age relaxation in the upper age limit for SC, ST, OBC, and horizontal reservation categories have been mentioned below: Category Age Relaxation Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe (SC/ ST) 5 years Other Backward Castes (OBC) 3 years Persons with Disabilities (PwD)/ Physically Handicapped (OH/ HH...
An age limit relaxation is applicable for those who are applying for SSC Stenographer exam 2023. Check the following table to know the category wise age limit relaxation. Category SSC Stenographer Age Relaxation SC/ST 5 years OBC 3 years ...
Candidates belonging to the upper age limit will be given age relaxation based on their category. The table below gives you an idea of the details of age relaxation.CategoryAge Relaxation PWD 10 years ST/SC 5 years OBC 3 years Ex-Servicemen (Gen) 3 years PWD belongs to SC/ST 15 years ...
For the SSC Stenographer Grade D Exam 2024:Candidates must be between 18 and 27 years old. Age Relaxation CategoryUpper Age Limit/Age Relaxation SC/ST5 years OBC3 years PwD (unreserved)10 years PwD (OBC)13 years PWD (SC/ST)15 years ...
Minimum Age Limit – 20 years Maximum Age Limit – 25 years Age Relaxation The age relaxation is given to the reserved category as per the government rules and is tabulated below. CategoryAge Relaxation SC/ST5 years OBC3 years Ex-servicemen (ESM)3 years after deduction of the military servic...
Ans. No, candidates belonging to the Schedule Caste need not pay any application fees for SSC GD 2023. Q8 Q 8. What is the application fees for SSC GD? Ans. The application fees for General Category candidates is Rs.100. Q9 Q 9. What is the age limit for SSC GD 2023? Ans. Ca...
Candidates are shortlisted for recruitment on the basis of scores in Papers 1 and 2. SSC CPO 2024 Eligibility Criteria The eligibility criteria of SSC CPO is provided below. Nationality: Candidates must be a citizens of India Age Limit: Candidates must be between 20 and 25 years of age ...