可乐留学网 留学可以很快乐 SSAT数学考试真题练习(含答案) SSAT为美国中学入学考试,适用于美国、加拿大私立中学的入学,下面为广大正在备考的考生整理了 6 道 SSAT 数学考试真题,并提供了答案,具体详情如下: 1.Jamee is five years older than Rachel. In 15 years, their combined ages will be 45. Howold is...
美国中考:SSAT阅读考试真题及答案.pdf,智课网 S A T 备考资料 美国中考:SSAT阅读考试真题及答案 简单的说,SSAT考试其实就是美国的中考,如果中国中学生想申 请去美国高中留学的话,SSAT考试可是必考的一项,而阅读也是SSAT 考试中的必考部分,以下就是一篇SSAT阅读
张威SSAT真题.pdf,Synonym 题库(2011-2012 ) 1. admonition gentle-warning monition 警告 2. alleviate release slacken 减轻,缓和 3. animate make a life invigorate enliven 使充满活力 4. annotation explanatory comment 注释,解释 5. aqueduct channel 管道 6. b
SSAT高年级测试题1--真题(2)林巍洋老师 SSAT全真模拟题(第一套/共十套)Upper Level SSAT Writing Time 25 Minutes One Topic You have 25minutes to complete a brief writing sample. This writing exercise will not be scored but is used by admission officers to assess your writing skills.Direction: ...
SSAT 阅读真题1 微博: @前沿力拓教育网址:www.frontieredu.com电话:4006663554 Passage 1 There were moments of waiting. The youth thought of the village street at home before the arrival of the circus parade on a day in the spring. He remembered how he had stood, a small thrillful boy, ...
SSAT真题中高频出现词汇整理 智 课 网 S A T 备 考 资 料
SSAT常见同义词总结+真题.pdf,同义词 1. admonition gentle warning discouragement monition 2. all eviate rel ease cushion slacken 3. animate make a life invigorate enliven 4. annotation explanatory comment 5. aqueduct channel 6. badger harass annoy pester 7