嶄新Teamwork School Attendance 應用程式,專為學校度身訂造而設,配合簡潔流麗的用戶介面,更貼近教職員與學校行政上需要。 出席狀態 顯易奕見 Teamwork School Attendance 提供學生出席名單,可按校方需要隨意調節點名的出勤節數,我們更提供誰人改動出勤狀態,以及最後更新紀錄時間。 流暢介面操作 朝著用戶給予我們建議,優...
The first formal school The first formal school for boys opened in 1937, while the first formal school for girls opened in 1961. The teachers in these newly established schools were from neighboring Arab countries; when girls' schools opened, the wives of male teachers taught the girls. The ...
Teachers: • Collaboratively plan your curriculum. • Manage teaching and learning with Stream & Resources. • Share experiences and goal-setting within the Portfolio. • Mark tasks, annotate coursework and submit term grades. • Record attendance and Behaviour & Discipline. ...
The data provide a census of state school children in England and include academic outcomes in the form of achievement test scores at ages 11 and 14 years, and public examination results (GCSEs, A levels and equivalent vocational qualifications) at ages 16 and 18 years. The data also include...