The Social Security Administration (SSA) is a U.S. government agency that administers social programs covering disability, retirement, and survivors' benefits, among other services. It's also responsible for issuing Social Security numbers and managing the program’s finances andtrust fund. Unlike m...
Since there are varying degrees of uncertainty involved in that (what if I earn more or less than I am earning now? how much longer will I work? when should I start receiving my Social Security benefits?) it is especially handy to be able to use the SSA’s “Retirement Estimator.” ...
Retirement, survivors, and Medicare-only claims include initial OASI claims for retirement or survivor benefits, as well as initial benefit claims in which the applicant files for Medicare but not for Social Security (i.e., Medicare-only claims).72 Initial disability claims are initial claims for...
federal government that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. The term "Social Security" refers to both the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) program in the United States and the Canada Pension Plan in...
1.05 Application Process 1.08 Five Step Process 1.21 Earnings Rqmts- DLI 03 Retirement 3.51 Minimum Benefits 04 Primary Insurance Amount; Family Max 4.01 Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) 4.02 Family Maximum (FM) 07 Medicare 7.01 Medicare 7.20 Hospice Care ...