bepresent.Butwhenyouappealadecision thatyouarenolongereligible ordisability beneftsbecauseyourmedicalcondition hasimproved,youcanmeetwithaSocial Securityrepresentativeandexplainwhy youbelieveyoustillhaveadisability. Hearing I youdisagreewiththereconsideration ...
While many individuals qualify within only a few months after they apply, others go through an appeals process which can continue for years before they qualify. Individuals who do not qualify often do not understand why they were denied and are not sure whether they should appeal their claims....
We will set up a call to take place after SSA indicates whether or not it will appeal the judge’s decision to provide a further status update and address any questions that class members have about the process moving forward. February 2020 Update — New Judge Assigned We were notified that...
Address financial strain during the process.The SSDI process can be financially stressful, but Allsup offers services to help applicants manage these challenges.Disability Financial Solutions®(DFS), includes debt negotiation, medical bill reductions, and ...