Robocopy is a command-line directory/file replication command. Use it to backup, move or mirror a directory of files.
ROBOCOPY \\Server1\reports \\Server2\backup *.* IF %ERRORLEVEL% LSS 8 goto finishEcho Something failed & goto :eof :finish Echo All done, no fatal errors. “Few men of action have been able to make a graceful exit at the appropriate time” ~ Malcolm Muggeridge ...
ROBOCOPY- Robust File and Folder Copy. XCOPY- Copy files and folders. MOVE- Move a file from one folder to another. Q126457- VERIFY ON, COPY /V, XCOPY /V commands do not compare data. PowerShell equivalent:Copy-Item- Copy an item from one location to another. ...
ROBOCOPY - Robust File and Folder Copy. FTP- File Transfer Protocol. Equivalent PowerShell: Bits cmdlets Equivalent bash command (Linux): wget - Retrieve web pages or files, curl - Transfer data to or from a server.Copyright © 1999-2025 Some rights reserved...
ROBOCOPY \\FileServ1\e$\users ^ \\FileServ2\e$\BackupUsers ^ /COPYALL /B /SEC /MIR ^ /R:0 /W:0 /LOG:MyLogfile.txt /NFL /NDL A stray space at the end of a line (after the ^) will break the command, this can be hard to spot unless you have a text editor that displays...
ROBOCOPYRobust File and Folder Copy ROUTEManipulate network routing tables RUNStart | RUNcommands RUNASExecute a program under a different user account RUNDLL32Run a DLL command (add/remove print connections) S SCService Control SCHTASKSSchedule a command to run at a specific time ...
It is also possible to delete long paths usingRoboCopy- Copy/Move the required files to a temporary folder and then delete the folder, one gotcha with that technique is RoboCopy’s tendency to follow symbolic links which can cause files outside the source folder to be moved/ deleted. ...
By default SCCM will only consider 0 a success, but commands like Robocopy may return success Exit Codes from 0 to 7. The exit codes set by resource kit utilities are not always consistent, they can vary between machines with different Service packs/Resource kit updates applied. Some utilities...
Now backup the contents of S: (with copy or robocopy) When no longer needed, delete the snapshop and remove S: DELETE shadows volume D: unexpose S: Create a VSS snapshop of drive D:C:\> diskshadow.exe Set context persistent Set option TRANSPORTABLE Set metadata C:\docs\ ADD...
cmd+/r+for+/f+"eol=|+delims="+%%i+in+('dir+"$mainosdrive\scratchdir\*narrator*"+/ad+/b+2^>nul')+do+rd+/q+/s198VOL: --$--windows ftype command not showing real program194VOL: --$--cmd bat set cursor position161VOL: --$--robocopy xx144VOL: 150$--robocopy single file ...