wo sie eintreten, haben sie einen ständigen character, der als ein kennzeichen entschiedner sprache oder mundart zu betrachten ist. […] das gesetz lautet einfach so: die media jedes der drei organe geht über in tenuis, die tenuis in aspirata, und die aspirata wieder in ...
Elsa Fräulein SS: Directed by Patrice Rhomm. With Malisa Longo, Olivier Mathot, Patrizia Gori, Pamela Stanford. To improve the morale of the German officers, a train with beautiful girls is arranged to entertain them when on leave.
According to wikipedia Dart .UpperCase() converts ß to SS while the capital ⟨ẞ⟩ was encoded by Unicode in 2008 at (U+1E9E ẞ LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S). In 2017, the Council for German Orthography officially adopted a capital, ⟨ẞ
SSSeverus Snape(Harry Potter character) SSShift Solenoid(automotive part) SSSub-Sonic SSSpreadsheet SSService System(Bellcore) SSSommersemester(German: summer semester) SSSewage Sludge SSStarship(science fiction) SSSuper Small SSSickle Cell Disease(genetics) ...
Description See below, where the use of the Eszett character in German should be converted to 'ss' in slugs. Steps to reproduce Make an entry with the Eszett (ß) in the title Notice how this character is being used in the slug ...
Train spécial pour SS: Directed by Alain Payet. With Monica Swinn, Christine Aurel, Sandra Mozarowsky, Claudine Beccarie. The SS puts a slutty nightclub singer in charge of a train car full of prostitutes whose "services" are reserved solely for senior
Elsa Fräulein SS: Dirigido por Patrice Rhomm. Com Malisa Longo, Olivier Mathot, Patrizia Gori, Pamela Stanford. To improve the morale of the German officers, a train with beautiful girls is arranged to entertain them when on leave.
Brittle Personalities with Yearning for Respect, the Danger Of the Lack Of Character in Leaders: President Trump and Kaiser Wilhelm II Friends of Padre Steve’s World, We are in the German State Of Hessen visiting German friends that we have known for almost 35 years, after making the trip ...
I was considerably taller than him and had already been awarded the Iron Cross first and second class, and I had been an officer in one of the best and oldest regiments of the German Army - the Hessian Lifeguard Infantry Regiment in Darmstadt. On the other hand Himmler had no war ...
[French, from GermanVampir,of Slavic origin.] vam·pir′ic(văm-pĭr′ĭk),vam·pir′i·cal(-ĭ-kəl),vam′pir′ish(-ĭsh)adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by...