it has the following benefits over other steels: - knock off, obviously huge in SS, particularly in RU where many teams rely on defog bat which loses to like half the SR setters - beating opposing setup mons, particularly Celebi, any Reuniclus, and DemonGross (I run max HP and a little...
However, other items have their benefits as well. For example, Choice Specs allows Manectric to hit power benchmarks immediately while easily being able to cripple Physical threats that you may feel uncomfortable giving a Scarf depending on your team building (such as Garchomp). Sti...
Kyurem benefits off of having good teammates to switch into/let it be brought in more than having a couple shared checks to kyurem benefits you. As I’ve said before though, I think Tran is that way too lol (but freeze dry doesn’t miss so there’s that too). so back ...
Gyarados: Typically the type of poké for which I think it's the Aurora veil that needs to be banned, and not the pokémon that benefits from it, so many double screens in one round allows you to gain enormously in the conditioning of a poké for sweep. Other poké like Moltres-G, ...
Don't judge someone's past, when you haven't walked their journey! This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it. ---假如你没有履历过他人所履历的事变,就不要去评判一小我私家的已往!我就是我,没人非要你喜好。 I put down my dignity, personality and obstinacy for the sake of so...