srt-live-server 容器中获取源码可安装git或wget + unzip 一、操作docker容器 1、下载ubuntu镜像 docker pull ubuntu 2、创建并运行docker容器 docker run -itd --hostname vmachine --name daemon -p 9000:9000/udp ubuntu 3、进入docker容器 docker exec -it d...
Repository files navigation README 📦 SRT Live - Docker Dockerized version of srt-live. Based on ravenium/srt-live-server.About Dockerized secure reliable transport (SRT) server Resources Readme Activity Custom properties Stars 0 stars Watchers 1 watching Forks 0 forks Report repository...
srt-live-server.cpp v1.4 5年前 README MIT Introduction Requirements Compile Directivies Usage information with default config file Test 1.test with ffmpeg 2.test with OBS 3.test with srt-live-client 4.use sls with docker ...
please refer to : Note: 1.SLS refer to the RTMP url format(domain/app/stream_name), The url of SLS must be set in streamid parameter of SRT, which will be the unique identification a stream. ...
please refer to : Note: 1.SLS refer to the RTMP url format(domain/app/stream_name), example: The url of SLS must be set in streamid parameter of SRT, which will be the unique identification a stream. ...
docker run --rm --network=host \ \ ffmpeg -re -i ./doc/source.flv -c copy -f mpegts \ 'srt://!::h=live/livestream,m=publish' 点开链接就能播放: ...
注意,上面命令中的srt地址后半段为“r=live/test,m=publish”,其中“r=live/test”表示SRT的服务名称叫做“live/test”,而“m=publish”表示该地址属于发布功能也就是给推流方使用。 SRS对视频源文件的封装格式也有要求,不仅要求源文件为ts格式,还要求推流格式也为ts格式,所以ffmpeg命令中添加了“-f mpegts”表...
docker run--rm--network=host \ \ ffmpeg-re-i./doc/source.flv-c copy-f mpegts \'srt://!::h=live/livestream,m=publish' 点开链接就能播放: VLC(RTMP): rtmp://localhost/live/livestream ...
一言不合就要自己搞个RTMP Server的朋友,不如花时间来一起做SRS。 SRT Docker Docker是最快能将SRT全链路跑起来的方法 Note:FFmpeg开启了各种常用编解码器:libx264,libmp3lame,libfdk-aac,dash ,libsrt。其中,libsrt静态链接到FFmpeg就是这次志宏大神专门搞定的。我虽然混音视频编译也好久了,由于平时不用SRT,也...
Your OpenMPTCProuter Server username: openmptcprouter 服务器IP: SRS服务 推流地址: srt://!::h=live/livestream,m=publish srt://!::h=live/livestream1,m=publish srt://