Ken Rockwell 说:"The SRT-101 was the best selling camera of the Vietnam War era. Many of them survived the jungles while their owners made the ultimate sacrifice bringing freedom to the region." (SRT-101是越战期间销量最好的相机,它们许多都在丛林里生存下来了,而它们的主人却为那里的自由牺牲...
尤其是 Minolta-SRT101 生产的年代恰好与越南战争重叠,价廉物美的 SRT101 自然成为很多重视性价比战地记者们的选择。"The SRT-101 was the best selling camera of the Vietnam War era. Many of them survived the jungles while their owners made the ultimate sacrifice bringing freedom to the region. ——...
Minolta SRT 101click for sample Produced c 1969-73 Minolta Camera Co., Ltd., Japan Film type 135 (35mm) Picture size 24 x 36mm Weight Lens Minolta MC Rokkor-PF 1.7/55mm (7 elements in 5 groups) Filter size 49mm screw-in, 52mm slip-on Shutter cloth focal plane Shutter speeds B-1/...
Minolta SRT 101...(详细内容) 产品类型:胶片单反相机 综合评分:4.47分 操作手册:暂无 无忌评测:暂无评测 总平均分:4.47 操作性:4.37功能性:4.2美观性:4.57 趣味性:4.43耐用性:4.87性价比:4.4 评分人数:15评论人数:16浏览人数:310492 网友点评 |我要点评 ...
Minolta的工程师把这种测光技术称为CLC——Contrast Light Compensation。采用了CLC技术的SRT系列相机,会在五棱镜取景器前面板上标刻出CLC字样。 在取景器内容显示,SRT101同样采取全机械式显示方式。 取景视窗下方,有一条快门
1975年,SRT101被新开发的SRT201所取代。新相机增加了机背资料夹,公司铭文也改成了MINOLTA CAMERA CO., LTD.。除了这些外观上的改变外,新相机最大的改变在于,使用了新的热靴式接点取代SRT101采用的冷靴式闪灯接点。这个红色的X标志可以用来提醒用户在使用闪灯时,注意连接同步快门速度。
It was Minolta's top-of-the-line camera in the 1970s. This was my dream camera for years before I got one.HistoryI started with a Minolta SR-1. It had a clip on external meter. I then got an SR-7 which incorporated the meter into the body. It read through a separate aperture ...